Announcement of CIFE Seed Awards for 2015-16


We received twelve proposals, with every one of them gaining the interest and support of members of the Technical Advisory Committee. Based on the input from the TAC, CIFE is pleased to announce that the following projects have been selected as the CIFE seed projects for the 2015-16 academic year:

  • Space-Mate: Computational Modeling for Building and Occupant Cooperative Sustainable performance - K. Law, R. Fruchter, V. Bazjanac, F. Grey
  • Parts-enabled Approaches for Software Developers, Project Engineers, and Construction Workers - M. Fischer, C. Kam, J. Lo, N. Zhao
  • Decision Support for Community and Infrastructure Planning through Coupled Analysis and Optimization - M. Lepech, F. Flager, R. Best
  • Leveraging Supply Chain Data for Structural Steel Design - M. Fischer, F. Flager, H. Hamamji, P. Havelia
  • Leveraging Virtual Design and Construction for Multi-physics Modeling and Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization of Sustainable Built Environments - M. Lepech, A. Kiremidjian, B. Shen
  • Formally Accounting for Variability in Look-ahead Planning - M. Fischer, N. Garcia-Lopez
  • Generating a simulation model from project data through DSM - M. Fischer, J Kujala, M. Ramsey

Last modified Tue, 12 May, 2015 at 13:43