
Information for Stanford Students

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is the integrated use of multi-disciplinary computer models to improve project performance with respect to explicit objectives. It has become an important strategic method for many large and small organizations in the AEC field.

VDC has been successfully applied in industry. Learn about some of these applications in the CIFE seminar and our CIFE-sponsored classes.

VDC has a strong theoretical base. Learn it -- in the CEE 24x series of classes, and get introductions to it in the CIFE seminar.

VDC can only be mastered by experience: experience the projects of our CIFE-sponsored classes. Experience a mini-internship over Spring break after taking CEE 111/211.

VDC has an associated research program with great vitality. Learn about it at the CIFE seminar.

VDC trained professionals are in high demand: CIFE members and friends now ask frequently for interns and full-time staff who are qualified to support their Virtual Design and Construction work.

Stanford students can qualify for a VDC certification.

Stanford is the best place in the world to learn VDC methods. Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) department classes, seminars, internships and research experiences can introduce students to the vocabulary, culture, applications, limits, practical methods and opportunities of VDC. Please see the relationship of classes to VDC methods.

CIFE sponsored Stanford Courses:

CEE 100: Managing Civil Engineering Projects (Spring): learn the basics of 3and 4D CAD modeling and VDC – Learn the fundamentals of CAD and managing projects using VDC methods

CEE 111/211: Multidisciplinary Modeling plus Analysis (Winter): learn the basics of 3and 4D CAD modeling and VDC and have the opportunity to apply for a mini-internship

CEE 112/212: Industry Applications of Virtual Design & Construction (VDC): learn about the management of VDC programs and projects in the building industry.

CEE 122/222: Computer Integrated A/E/C (Winter, Spring) Learn agile integrated project delivery (IPD) in cross-disciplinary, globally distributed  project teamwork using cutting edge collaboration technologies.

CEE 241: Techniques of Project Planning and Control (Fall): Learn project management from a VDC perspective

CEE 242: Designing Organizations for Projects and Companies (Fall): Learn about organization modeling and predicting behavior

CEE 320: Seminar on Integrated Facility Engineering (Fall, Winter, often Spring): The easy one-unit introduction to VDC theory and practice

CIFE sponsored Internships:

Mini-internships available to students who take CEE 211

Research and internship opportunities with CIFE Industry Members (see CEE 112/212)

Longer internships potentially available through the CIFE faculty.