Can You Accelerate Your Project Using Extreme Collaboration? A Model Based Analysis

TitleCan You Accelerate Your Project Using Extreme Collaboration? A Model Based Analysis
Publication TypeTechnical Report
AuthorsChachere, J., J. Kunz, and R. Levitt
Date Published11/2003

This paper sets out our observations, modeling results, and conclusions regarding a novel organizational form applied variously as "Extreme Collaboration" (XC) or "radical collocation." XC teams are cross-functional, co-located groups enabled with high-performance computer modeling and simulation tools, large interactive graphic displays, a mature shared generic project model that the design team instantiates for the project, and specialized charter, training, support and culture. Our primary data source is the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Team-X, which has consistently reduced task durations over many hundreds of projects from original values of 3-9 months down to a few days. Based on our observations, interviews, and surveys of the JPL team, we employ several computational models including the Virtual Design Team (VDT) to illuminate the practice's basic mechanisms. Key aspects include very short information request-response latency (less than a minute to answer to a question, vs. several days in a traditional team) and a bounded and dedicated knowledge network that provides all the required skills and experience.

KeywordsCollaboration, Collocation, Design, Latency, Organizations, Processes, VDC, Virtual Design and Construction, XC
Year of Publication2003
TR154.pdf393.19 KB

Last modified Tue, 22 Mar, 2011 at 16:38