IRTMM Value Analysis Module

TitleIRTMM Value Analysis Module
Publication TypeTechnical Report
AuthorsLin, S. - D., J. Kunz, and P. Teicholz
Date Published08/1994

We describe the Value Analysis Module (VA), which is part of the Intelligent Real Time Maintenance Management (IRTMM) project. The VA uses a decision-analytic approach to study the maintenance decision-making in a conventional steam power plant. Wc used two test cases from Southern California Edison (SCE) to validate the VA. In addition, a simulator was built to investigate the problem of scheduling multiple maintenance activities. The second half of this report studies three test cases from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). The results show that the VA can handle individual maintenance activity very well. However, there are some problems remaining. A discussion of them and the implications for future research is presented at the end of this report.

KeywordsIntelligent Real Time Maintenance Management, IRTMM, Maintenance Decision-Making, Value Analysis Module
Year of Publication1994
TR099.pdf5.45 MB

Last modified Wed, 23 Mar, 2011 at 17:17