Major Topics

These topics that impact every step of the sponsored research process: Start, Mange, Close. You can read an in depth explanation outside the process here.

Learn when and how to propose and charge administrative expenses to a sponsored project.
Find FAQs and account procedures for charging administrative and technical expenses.
Learn about allocation and setting up Allocation PTAs.
Understand your stewardship responsibilities.
Better understand proposing and tracking cost sharing.
Find material on cost sharing, including FAQs and accounting procedures.
Understand cost transfers and those for the Veterinary Service Center (VSC) .
Learn about proposing and managing effort.
Learn how to manage equipment and materials effectively.
Learn about salary caps and how to administer the NIH salary cap.
Find information about who can assist you in your School, Independent Lab, Institute or Center.
Learn how to identify a subaward and propose, process, and manage one.
Understand the billing and cash management process.
How to implement the Infrastructure Charge (ISC) Policy.
Get an in-depth view of how SeRA handles PDRFs, awards, and PTA setup.
Keep up with the latest policy and procedure updates!
When Stanford’s resources are used by outside entities, Stanford must recover some portion of the F&A. Find out the details here!
Times are a changing, find out about the new rules of the road!
Learn about what documents you should keep and what you can destroy.