Career Center


Biomedical & Bioscience Industry Expo 2015
Wednesday, April 8
Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge, School of Medicine Campus 

Employers REGISTER for the Biomedical & Bioscience Industry Expo


11:00am-12:30pm Employer Check-in & Lunch

12:00pm Trainee Check-in & Registration

12:30-1:00pm Keynote Speaker, Kennan Salinero, Executive Director & President, Yámana Science and Technology

1:00-4:00pm Expo

1:30-2:30pm Exploration Café (Alumni share their experiences with trainees)

Please join us for our Biomedical & Bioscience Industry Expo. This annual event, hosted by the School of Medicine Career Center, strengthens relationships with a core group of companies, formalizes channels for recruitment, showcases current research and trends, and stimulates the exchange of scientific ideas and dialogue between employers and Stanford trainees/faculty.

Attendee Information: Participation in the Expo is free for all Stanford trainees and alumni. (Trainees include: undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, medical students, and residents.) Registration is available on the day of the event at the door. SU ID required.

The fee for community members and trainees outside of Stanford is $40 payable at the door by cash or check.

Employer Participants (Updates coming soon!):

General Employer Information: For detailed information regarding fees, dates & deadlines, event schedule, and advertising opportunities, please visit our General Information Pages

If you have questions or would like additional sponsorship information, please contact Joe Bucher at or 650-725-7687. We look forward to working with you!




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