Frequently Asked Questions: Entrepreneurs

I have a great idea for a business. Now what?

The first step is to get a book on business planning. The Library has a number of good ones, and there are a few on our list of recommended books. Going through the process will force you to answer the important, hard questions. Once you have a draft, circulate it among your friends and relatives to get input. Depending on the type of start-up, the next step will be to get funding.

My new venture needs funding. Can you help?

We can suggest lots of ideas on how to get information about funding sources, but a specific answer depends on several factors, such as the amount of funding needed, the type of venture (high-tech, retail, service, etc.), and the other needs of the venture. Our list of Helpful Links has sites that relate to venture capital, and our recommended books include a number that relate to funding. In addition, organizations listed in the Resources section of our Web site, including The Enterprise Network and the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs & Executives facilitate meetings with funders.

I have a great project for a group of students. What should I do?

We encourage organizations and entrepreneurial individuals to post their opportunity through the Recruiter Dashboard. Entering the Recruiter Dashboard allows you to list an opportunity for an Experiential Project.

I've heard that sometimes a whole class works on a project. How can my company be considered for that?

On very rare occasions, a class will focus on a single company's project. Our faculty locates information on companies meeting the criteria.

Can I hire students as paid consultants?

Students complete Experiential Projects on a pro bono basis, although expenses that the students may incur are typically reimbursed. The school does not encourage students to undertake outside paid commitments in addition to their course work. However, we do maintain a list of independent consultants and alumni who are interested in doing these types of projects. We will be happy to share that list upon request. Entering the Recruiter Dashboard allows you to list an opportunity for an Experiential Project.

Can you help me find office space and other resources for my new venture?

Our list of Helpful Links includes a variety of support organizations. Our Center also offers many resources for alumni and GSB students. Check out our catalogue of community support services within the Bay Area. If you would like to visit the Center please contact us at 650-723-0910.