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Photo of Students and Employers at Career Fair

Current Students

We believe that career management involves personal reflection, exploration, and long-term planning. We encourage students to connect with our office early in the academic year and to participate in our workshops and internship fair to help explore the types of opportunities that exist as well as acquire the skills necessary to pursue a career choice.

EdCareers has a vast amount of resources to help you begin your professional development journey while studying at the GSE.

Explore our offerings:

The Stanford EdCareers Database is your personal gateway to:

  • Career coaching
  • Job opportunities
  • Employer profiles
  • Internships

Learn more about internships.

Other Resources


Every week the EdCareers team emails a newsletter with information about career events and workshops happening at the GSE and around campus. It also includes all new job and internships postings from the previous week. As a new student you will automatically receive this email.

EdCareers LinkedIn group

First register for your Stanford alumni email account starting on November 1, 2015. Add this email in your LinkedIn profile and then join the Stanford EdCareers LinkedIn group. Start connecting with hundreds of alumni now!


Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM) is Stanford’s online mentoring program that connects students with alumni for career planning and goal setting. Find out more about SAM.

One on one coaching

Register via the EdCareers Database for a half hour appointment with one of our EdCareers staff members.We offer up to two coaching sessions to our MA students, and one coaching session per year to our PhD students.


EdCareers offers many workshops and an internship fair throughout the academic year. View the full calendar of events.

BEAM, Stanford Career Education

BEAM offers:

  • Professional development workshops
  • Career panels
  • Networking dinners throughout the academic year
  • Free recommendation letter service for students
  • Free Strengths Quest career assessment for students

Learn about the BEAM's services.

Center for Teaching and Learning

Schedule an appointment with their Oral Communication Program to practice your pitch, learn interview skills and more.

Entrepreneur Resources

Stanford University’s Entrepreneurship Corner offers 2,000 free videos and podcasts, featuring entrepreneurship and innovation thought leaders. StartX is an educational non-profit that accelerates the development of Stanford's top entrepreneurs through experiential education and collective intelligence.

Check out more info on StartX.

Job Boards

Your LinkedIn profile is your professional presence online and offers you the opportunity to share your experiences and skills in a more profound way than a resume. Launched in September 2013, the EdCareers LinkedIn group is a great opportunity to connect with Stanford alumni and students across all areas of education as well as get information on trends and news in the field.

To join the group

  1. Set up your Stanford alumni email address
  2. Add your alumni address to your LinkedIn profile.
  3. Join the group!

Need some help getting your profile started?  Start by importing the basics of your resume (employers, education and skills), add a professional looking headshot and start connecting with your colleagues.

Read about creating a robust LinkedIn profile.

EdCareers offers many events throughout the year to help with your professional development.

See all upcoming EdCareers events.

BEAM, Stanford Career Education

BEAM offers resources to help you:

  • Identify Your Interests
  • Research Career Fields
  • Network & Mentor
  • Create Resumes, CVs, & Cover Letters
  • Obtain Jobs & Internships
  • Conduct Interviews
  • Accept a Job & Manage Your Career

Please visit BEAM's website for updated information about workshops, trainings and resources.

Vice Provost for Graduate Education

The VPGE promotes and creates innovative pilot programs for students. VPGE offers opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, career development resources and practical resources for students, including skills training and information resources.

Please visit for updated information and registration. The following is a sample of the programs offered in the past:

  1. ON LEADERSHIP: A Series of Conversations: Learn first-hand about the experience, challenges and rewards of leadership and about how leaders find their own style. There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience and each talk will be more of a conversation than a formal lecture.
  2. LEADERSHIP DINNERS: An opportunity for small groups to have dinner with recognized leaders. Participants will include leaders from government, industry and the non-profit arena.
  3. QUICK BYTES: Brief, information-rich sessions held over the lunch hour. Each session will focus on an important topic relevant to the professional development of graduate students, including communication, interpersonal skills, and personal development.
  4. IMPACTING DIVERSITY: Insights from Influential Leaders: This series will bring to Stanford scholars, politicians, philanthropists, and industry leaders who have impacted diversity in a unique and effective manner. These professionals will share how they have changed the understanding of diversity in a profound way.
  5. INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP: Creating a Research Agenda: These workshops will help you frame and articulate your future research agenda. Workshops are offered for different disciplinary/thematic clusters each quarter, for students whose research focuses on the Humanities, the Social Sciences, Engineering, and on gender-related topics.

EdCareers Resources

PhD job packets samples

Packets include resume, cover letter and teaching or research statements from previous  GSE PhD students. Log into the EdCareers Database, click on the document library and search for PHD job packet.

Job Market Candidates webpage

If you are a GSE PhD student on the job market you can post your profile, resume and website on the EdCareers website. Scroll down to the red link at the bottom of this page to post a profile.

EdCareers LinkedIn group

Join the EdCareers LinkedIn group today and start connecting with alumni that share your passion for education.

Other Resources


Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM) is Stanford’s online mentoring program that connects students with alumni for career planning and goal setting. Find out more about SAM.

Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE)

The VPGE offers opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, career development resources and practical resources for students, including skills training and information resources. The VPGE also offers fellowship opportunities that support individual doctoral students, student groups and organizations, and department-based projects.

Explore more about VPGE resources.

Future Faculty Seminar Series

The Future Faculty Seminar is a weekly seminar for Stanford PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and research/clinical trainees from all disciplines who are considering a faculty career. The typical graduate and postdoctoral training provides opportunities for learning about the research aspects of academia, such as: choosing a research problem or developing a particular theory, technique and/or process. Unfortunately, this often leaves little chance to learn about the non-research aspects of the academic sector, including teaching or lab management; this seminar is meant to fill that learning gap.

Get more information on the seminar.

Office of Post Doctoral Affairs

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) is primarily responsible for: review and approval of all postdoctoral scholar appointments at Stanford; development of policies and procedures affecting postdoctoral scholars and their services at Stanford, including salary setting and regular funding and compensation audits.

Learn more about the office.

Since 2011, Stanford EdCareers has distributed a placement survey to all graduating students and published the findings in our Annual Graduation Placement Report.

The Report includes a profile of the class—with statistics broken down by MA, STEP (MA teacher education) and PhD programs—as well as listing the industries, job functions and opportunities our graduates have secured.

Quick Facts on the Class of 2014:

  • 97% of graduates from MA and PhD programs responded to the survey.
  • 93% of responding graduates were employed within three months of graduation.
  • 98% of those employed were working at an education-related organization.
  • 98% of those employed had an education-related job function.
  • 92% of those employed were working in their desired geographical location.

Annual Reports:

To read the full reports, follow the links below:

10 Year Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) Report

Interested in the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP)? Check out the STEP 10 Year Report below.

I. Know Thyself

This is the most critical step because everything else builds on it.

  • View this short video that discusses the first part of the coaching model, Know Thyself.
  • Complete the EdCareers Compass Exercise
  • Participate in a reflective/introspective exercise to help you articulate your values and career goals (we suggest "Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck).
  • Complete the StrengthsQuest assessment to help you articulate your unique assets.

II. Explore the Landscape

Build industry knowledge via:

  • Interactive workshops on networking, informational interviewing and more.
  • General and industry specific newsletters
  • Attend EdCareers Internship Fair and CDC job Fairs.

III. Connect with the Players

Connect with individuals and organizations that intrigue you via:

IV. Execute Your Game Plan

Manage the nuts and bolts of securing the right position. These resources can be found in the Document Library in the EdCareers Database.

  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • Interview
  • Negotiating

For a PDF version of this information click here.