CIGH Seed Grants

CIGH has launched a multidisciplinary seed grant program to support research projects to apply innovative approaches to global health problems in resource-poor settings. 

Grants are supported by a group of donors, including: the Stanford University Office of the President, the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Woods Institute for the Environment and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies


Past Award Winners


In response to an urgent need to combat the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, seed grant funding in 2015 was awarded to teams of investigators to developing novel drugs and diagnostics and mapping the epidemic to help prevent further outbreaks. Read more about the Ebola Innovation grants and winning proposals.

Ann Arvin, Vice Provost and Dean of Research: Development of a novel high-throughput, virus-free assay to identify antibodies and drugs that interfere with Ebola infection by blocking virus entry into host cells

Utkan Demirci, Associate Professor of Radiology: Rapid Detection of Ebola Virus in Resource-Limited Settings

Shirit Einav, Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Microbiology and Immunology: Saftey and Efficacy of approved anticancer drugs as novel strategy to combat Ebola

Zhiyuan Song, postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Anthropology: Dynamically evaluating and mapping Ebola outbreak risks in West and Central Africa in response to social-environmental changes

Eugene Richardson, postdoctoral scholar in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine: Social Epidemiology of Ebola



Call for Proposals

Applications for 2016 CIGH Seed Grants will be accepted through November 30, 2015

Grants will be awarded up to $50,000


Contact Jill Mueller at