Construction Logistics

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There are a number of offices on campus you should contact when planning the actual construction of your project.

University Architect / Campus Planning and Design
  • Identifies lay-down space
  • Provides information about required signs
  • Can inform you about fencing requirements for the site
Parking and Transportation Services
  • Resource for the Construction Logistics Plan
  • Helps arrange contractor parking
  • Works with you to lessen impacts to campus parking, circulation, and pedestrian zones
Department of Public Safety
  • Can provide traffic control for your project if needed
  • Will provide staffing to monitor site security if required
  • Parking enforcement
Diversity and Access Office
  • Insures project meets all Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations and other local laws
  • Insures continued access for the disabled during construction—to accessible entrances, adequate parking spaces, etc.
Office of Government and Community Relations
  • Works to maintain cordial relations with neighbors impacted by construction projects
  • Will help you communicate impacts (traffic, parking, noise, dust) in advance to those affected

Tips for Construction Logistics

  • Everyone needs a permit to park on campus
  • Stanford discourages parking in residential neighborhoods and on landscaped areas
  • If your project will impact public artwork, contact the Cantor Arts Center Outdoor Sculpture Coordinator and/or Director of Art & Science Learning Lab before construction begins
  • Always notify neighbors in advance of any work. This goes a long way in understanding and helps Stanford maintain good relationships
  • Allow 2-4 weeks turn-around when working with Parking and Transportation


Cantor Arts Center – Collections directory
Department of Public Safety directory
Diversity and Access Office directory
Office of Government and Community Relations directory
Parking and Transportation Services directory
University Architect/Campus Planning & Design directory