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New digital collections available in SearchWorks

PowerPoint slide from SDR online deposit on Anthopleura Sea Anemone Distribution in the Rocky Intertidal at Hopkins Marine Station

Four new digital collections were added to SearchWorks via Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) online deposit during the month of March. These collections take advantage of recently released functionality that provides researchers with new rich discovery and access capabilities for finding and working with digital collection content.

Researchers may now discover the following materials:

Forum on the Future of Scientific Publishing

The Forum on the Future of Scientific Publishing was held on Thursday, June 27, 2013, at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge on the Stanford University Campus. The Forum allowed major stakeholders to present their perspectives on impending federal policy changes regarding open access to scientific research. The event included speakers from scientific society publishers, commercial publishers, university libraries, university researchers, open access advocates, companies involved in big data, and government agencies.

Yotsuba Society Archives - 4Chan Imageboard Files 

The Yotsuba Society, or Society for the Study and Preservation of Yotsuba Channel is a "website devoted to documenting and preserving the history of the imageboard/*chan culture/scene." (From "Welcome and Introduction" at This collection includes more than 25,000 discussion threads from the 4Chan Imageboard gathered between 2007 and August 2013 by Ndubuisi Okeh for the Yotsuba Society and given to the Stanford University Libraries by Mr. Okeh.

John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center Technical Report Series

This series includes technical reports prepared by faculty, students and staff who are associated with the John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center at Stanford University. While the primary focus of Blume Center is earthquake engineering, many of the reports in this series encompass broader topics in structural engineering and materials, computational mechanics, geomechanics, structural health monitoring, and engineering life-cycle risk assessment. Each report includes acknowledgments of the specific sponsors for the report and underlying research. In addition to providing research support, the Blume Center provides administrative support for maintaining and disseminating the technical reports. For more information about the Blume Center and its activities, see

Hopkins Marine Station Collection

This collection includes research data either produced by Hopkins Marine Station scientists or by other scientists who used Hopkins and the surrounding area as their study site. Data sets in this collection are in different formats, and each is presented with descriptive information that identifies the people and organizations responsible for its creation, related publications, and other relevant information. The collection was created to support the preservation of the research output of Hopkins Marine Station and to enable data sharing and re-use.

The collections made available this month in SearchWorks consist of content deposited via SDR online deposit - a service that supports the long-term management of scholarly resources at Stanford. The Hopkins Marine Station Collection, for example, includes a variety of types of material associated with research projects, such as manuscripts, raw data and powerpoint presentations as demonstrated in this deposit on Anthopleura Sea Anemone Distribution in the Rocky Intertidal at Hopkins Marine Station by Principal Investigator Tessaly Jen (the image in this post is from her powerpoint presentation).

The integration of digital collections into SearchWorks means that items from collections containing digital material can be discovered in the course of searching and browsing through the totality of Stanford's library catalog. Prior to this major SearchWorks enhancement, our digital collections were available either through special digital collections web sites, such as  or through PURL (persistent URL) pages for individual objects, such as this 18th century map of California as an Island

For more information on depositing materials into the Stanford Digital Repository, check out our website. For questions or additional information about the Stanford Digital Repository service, email