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The Stephen H. Schneider Collection

Stephen Henry Schneider

The University Archives recently completed a CLIR-funded project to process the papers of the late Dr. Stephen Schneider. Steve was a professor who taught Bio 15N, Bio 147, ES 10, ES 15 and ES 179, among other classes. Steve was very well-liked by students and collaborators alike per his student and peer evaluations. Steve grew up on Long Island and attended Columbia University, where he received his bachelor’s, master’s and PhD.

Dr. Schneider was very much in demand as an author, a reviewer, a public speaker and a spokesperson. He was instrumental in the creation and presentation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared (in equal parts with Al Gore) the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.  Steve served on IPCC working groups from its inception in 1988 until his death in 2010.  IPCC reports continue to be generated, as IPCC is an internationally accepted authority in climate change, with reports that cover "the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation."

Steve lived in a “green” energy-efficient home and mentioned driving a Prius but he acknowledged his ironically large carbon footprint from near-constant air-travel. Steve survived a bout with mantle cell lymphoma, applying his scientific principles to his medical treatments, and wrote a book about it: “The Patient from Hell: How I worked with my doctors to get the best of modern medicine and how you can, too.”

Dr. Schneider died returning from a scientific meeting in Sweden and is survived by his wife, Stanford professor Dr. Terry L. Root and two adult children from a previous marriage.


Pennington Ahlstrand, MLS, CA
Processing Archivist for Gordon Moore Papers
(650) 497-3432