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ePADD Phase 2 Development begins November 2nd

ePADD Phase 2, an IMLS-funded grant project, begins on November 2nd and will run through fall of 2018. In early November we launch the grant with two meetings – one with our Partnering Institutions and another with our Advisory Board.  

Testing ePADD is the first step for the SUL team and our partners over the next few months as we kick-off the project. This will help the five institutions to develop and prioritize development over the course of the project.

It was very gratifying to finally find some downtime to test ePADD on one of our early email archives - namely the Robert Creeley email archive. This archive was previously processed using MUSE and is the one we usually use for demonstrations as it is relatively small – just over 50,000 unique messages. Over the next few months we plan to complete processing on both Creeley and the Helen & Newton Harrison email archives. 

For those who are also testing ePADD, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone how to let the team know if you encounter a bug or have comments about usability. Within the next few weeks we will send out an announcement pointing users to GitHub for bug reporting. However, it is best to first refer to the User Guide and our Community Forums on Nimeyo to see if anyone else is encountering the same issue. Comments about usability or ideas for future development should be posted on Nimeyo.

Lastly if anyone has a use case they would like us to post or link to from the project site, please let us know.


This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.