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New French and Italian topic databases available

Stanford University Libraries has just acquired access to a few new databases for scholars working on French and Italian topics! 

Olschki Complete online: All monographs and conference proceedings published between 2000-2011 by the prestigious Italian publishing house Leo S. Olschki are now available online through the Torrossa/Editoria Italiana Online database, along with Italian scholarly publications from many other important publishers. Most of the Olschki titles are on Italian literature and history, but there are also works in other disciplines such as classics, art and art history, philosophy, and musicology. As with other titles in Torrossa, you may download the PDFs in Adobe Acrobat. Mac users need to open Acrobat before opening the PDF - it does not work in Preview.
Corpus Montaigne: "Contains all the different editions of the works of Montaigne from the 16th and 17th centuries, published from the manuscripts and the printed originals, including "all the works published in Montaigne's lifetime and after his death by his daughter-in-law, Marie de Gournay, all the editions published from the 16th to the 20th century, their annotation and critical apparatus." Also includes PDF reproductions of selected works."
Grand corpus des grammaires françaises, des remarques et des traités sur la langue (XIVe-XVIIe s.) : "The Grand Corpus des grammaires françaises, des remarques et des traités sur la langue XVe-XVIIe siècles (Great Corpus of French language Grammars, Commentaries and Treatises on language (15th-17th centuries)) groups together in one database the Corpus of French Renaissance grammars, the Corpus of French 17th century grammars and the Corpus of remarks on the French language (17th Century). This is close to representing all the French grammars of the 15th and 17th centuries. Each grammar is presented both in a digitalised format identical to the original version and also as a fac-simile. The Great Corpus is unique in that it allows research ranging from basic reference to in-depth academic research, according to the requirements of researchers and students."


Curator, French and Italian Collections, Head, International and Area Studies Resource Group
(650) 723-9481