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2015 ASC Competition

Civil EngineersEvery year Prof. Gary Griggs borrows the set of the current RSMeans Construction Cost Estimation Books from the Terman Engineering Library for several long weekends during winter quarter.  We wondered about the intense interest in these reference volumes and found out that the books are taking a winter vacation in Nevada with a student team from the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

The Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) holds an annual competition for Region 6 (Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming) and Region 7 (California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington) every February.  The event draws about 42 college teams, with an estimated attendance of over 1000 students, faculty, coaches, and sponsors – making this a premier networking event in the construction industry for civil engineering students in the western United States.  A Career Fair follows the two-day competition.

During the competition, industry experts judge student teams on project planning, design and presentation skills.  Students are given a real project proposal from a large consulting and construction firm and are expected to unite their estimating and scheduling knowledge with communication skills and teamwork during a mock scenario based on a large, complex construction project. The projects vary each year and pre-work information packets are released to the teams in October.

Stanford competed in the Integrated Project Category, which pits our team against teams from any ASC school, not just those from the Far West region.  The Integrated Project category gives students real world construction management experience.

For 2015 the Integrated Project program was sponsored by Clark Construction Group and focused on the design and construction of a large, complex facility for a public institution owner.  Students are required to apply high level construction-management skills such as Build-Design, BIM (Building Information Modeling), Lean Design and Construction and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to the project. In addition, the teams are judged on how well they use the collaborative framework of Integrated Project Delivery to facilitate the process and relationship between the project owner (judges from Clark Construction) and the design-build company (student teams). The top three teams in each of the 18 competition categories are recognized and given money for their school’s ASC program. 

Continuing a long-standing tradition of top scores, the Stanford 2015 team placed first in the Integrated Project competition.