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"Lunar Vehicle Remote Control" (n.d.): still from the earliest film in Stanford Collections showing a prototype lunar rover

"Lunar Vehicle Remote Control" (n.d.): still from the earliest film in Stanford Collections showing a prototype lunar rover

History of Artificial Intelligence

The rich archival documentation available in the Stanford Libraries on the history of artificial intelligence includes important film, video and audio resources. These materials provide access to a variety of events and activities from Stanford, Silicon Valley, or the artificial intelligence community as a whole, including tours of labs and project, robots in action, and public lectures, to name only a few examples. For the most part, these historical documents were captured in non-digital formats, such as film or audio-tape. Access to streamed versions of these audio and video recordings was made possible by converting and freshly encoding the content, which is also available on original media preserved in the Department of Special Collections and University Archives.


Curator, History of Science & Technology Collections: Film & Media Collections
(650) 723-4602