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EarthWorks is a discovery tool for geospatial (a.k.a. GIS) data. It allows users to search and browse the GIS collections owned by Stanford University Libraries, as well as data collections from many other institutions. Data can be searched spatially, by manipulating a map; by keyword search; by selecting search limiting facets (e.g., limit to a given format type); or by combining these options. 


EarthWorks is a discovery tool for geospatial (a.k.a. GIS) data. It allows users to search and browse the GIS collections owned by Stanford University Libraries, as well as data collections from many other institutions. Data can be searched spatially, by manipulating a map; by keyword search; by selecting search limiting facets (e.g., limit to a given format type); or by combining these options. 

What data are available? 

Data are available from numerous research institutions across the United States covering a vast array of subjects and base layer information.  Thousands of datasets in vector and raster format have been described at the individual layer level allowing for easy searching and retrieval.  You will find both public and restricted data.  The restricted data are tied to the institution that holds the content.  You may download the restricted Stanford content by logging in with your Stanford sunet id via the "Login" link in the top right corner of the page. 

Recommending a data set for acquisition 

You may find a data layer held by another institution that you would like Stanford to acquire.  If you do, send us a note via the feedback link.  We will research purchasing that data for the Stanford community.

Submitting GIS data for deposit

Are you carrying out research that will result in geospatial data (either vector or raster) that could be interesting and useful in research by others?  Send a note to the feedback list and we'll help you deposit the content into the Stanford Digital Repository with visualization and downloading capabilities in Earthworks.

Why isn't a particular data layer available? 

Sometimes you'll see that a particular data layer is not available.  Stanford does not actually hold the data from all of the partners.  We point to their data using links in their metadata or cataloging records.  The partner institutions may be in the process of loading the data on their servers, may have a server down for maintenance, or may be working on preparing the content for delivery.  If you need the data and it's not available, let us know through the feedback button and we'll do our best to find it or a suitable substitute for you.