What is CourseWork?
CourseWork is the course management system used by the university's main campus, as well as by many other universities. CourseWork is based on the open source platform known as Sakai.
CourseWork Features
- Much easier to use and more intuitive navigation (compared to the previous system, CWP) based on faculty and student feedback
- Automatic site enrollment based on Axess rosters
- Authentication and user identification managed with Stanford's SUNet ID system
- Integration and support with the university's main campus' CourseWork team
- Many tools available to help instructors manage their site, including:
- Announcements
- Online Assignments (Quizzes, Self-Tests, Final Exams, Problem Sets, Surveys/Evaluations, etc)
- File storage space
- Gradebook
- Schedule
- Section management
- Photo Roster
- Chat room
- Forums
- Wiki
- And more, including new tools under development.
Online Assignments
CourseWork features an assignments tool that lets instructors quickly and easily create an online assessment for students to take. Assignments settings can be adjusted to allow for single or multiple submissions, anonymous or identified grading, release dates and due dates, password protection, and much more. Instructors at Stanford School of Medicine have used CourseWork's assignments tool to create online problem sets, quizzes, self-tests, lecturer evaluations, surveys, and many courses and clerkships regularly use CourseWork to conduct online final exams. Contact us for more information to see how you can use CourseWork's online assignments.
CourseWork Mobile
CourseWork has a mobile interface designed for smartphone browsers (e.g. iPhone, Android, etc) that allows students to access their announcements, schedule, materials, lecture media, and more, all from their mobile device. The mobile interface is undergoing a redesign for open beta testing in Summer 2010, with a final release scheduled for Autumn 2010. Contact us if you'd like to beta test the new mobile interface.
Project Sites
CourseWork also supports Project Sites, which have many of the same tools as a course site, but are not linked with any Axess enrollment lists. Project Sites can assist with managing groups, hosting and organizing files, sending out announcements, setting a schedule, and much more. Contact us for more information.
CWP to CourseWork Migration Complete!
The CWP was the online course management system for the School of Medicine until Spring 2009, and was shut down July 11th, 2009. Content from CWP was migrated to CourseWork over the course of several months, and new courses have been hosted inside CourseWork instead, the course management system run by Stanford's main campus.
Educational Technology will continue to support School of Medicine courses within CourseWork. Our goal is to support every Medical School course via the web both administratively (handouts, scheduling, basic course information, etc.) and with rich content based learning tools (java applets, interactive images, animations, interactive quizzing, and streaming video of lectures).
Successful Uses of CWP
The CWP was used for over 40 individual courses and groups. These included:
- All preclinical courses
- All core clinical clerkships (e.g. Surgery, Cont. of Care, Pediatrics)
- Student resources (MSSG on-line, graduating class site, NBME info, etc.)
- Scholarly concentrations