Photography and Photograph Usage Policy

Usage of Flickr Photos

Photos posted to EdTech's Flickr photostream are generally released under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). This Creative Commons license stipulates that:

  • Photos are free to be copied, distributed, and transmitted.
  • Photos must be at the very least attributed to "Stanford EdTech", and if possible, the actual photographer of the photo (please contact to find out the exact staff member who provided the photo).
  • Photos may not be used for commercial purposes without written consent from EdTech. For obtaining consent for using photos for commercial purposes, please contact
  • Photos may not be altered, transformed, or built upon.

For any photos used, we would also appreciate a copy of the work in which our photograph is used (sent to, but this is not required for permission to use photos that fall under the Creative Commons license.

It is EdTech's philosophy to document as much as possible about learning, teaching, and techonlogy. One of the many ways we do this is through photography of our spaces, events, and services. Our photographs have been used in many teaching sessions, in newspaper publications, in various department newsletters and communications, and much more. In addition to representing to others the multitude of services EdTech provides, our photographs also serve to help us analyze and improve our services.

Photographs of Students

Photographs of students are captured under Stanford University's "Consent to Use of Photographic Images" policy, which states:

Registration as a student and attendance at or participation in classes and other campus and University activities constitutes an agreement by the student to the University’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the student’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, or audiotapes of such classes and other campus and University activities.

For third parties wishing to use photographs of students for commercial or non-commercial purposes, please contact EdTech for more information.