Neuroscience Scholar Tracks

The Neuroscience research community at Stanford is tremendously successful and includes over 200 world-renowned faculty members across multiple Schools and Departments.  The Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences is a key contributor to this broader community.  Research within the Department covers a wide range of activities in basic neuroscience, translational research, and clinical studies.  The Department has a rich tradition of integrating cutting-edge advances in basic science with novel clinical approaches.

Since the 2009-2010 academic year we are offering a dedicated mentored research experience for Neurology residents interested in pursuing an academic career.  Research projects may be undertaken in any suitable area of clinical or basic neuroscience anywhere within the larger Stanford community.  Applications for research track will be evaluated by the Department’s Education Committee on feasibility and merit.  There must be strong backing and commitment from the proposed mentor.  With the guidance of their selected mentor, residents will develop a brief but well-thought out written research proposal.

As outlined below, there are two options in the Neuroscience Scholar Track, neither of which are mutually exclusive. A resident could do one or both.  We expect approximately one-third of our residents will apply for Track 1.  Even those who do not do a dedicated research track are strongly encouraged to participate in scholarship of some sort during their residency.  The ample elective time allows for multiple opportunities for research.

Track 1: A 6-month research track generally undertaken in the second or third year of neurology residency.

During this period of dedicated research time, residents will maintain their weekly continuity clinic and be expected to attend departmental conferences such as Morning Report, Wednesday afternoon didactics, and Grand Rounds.  Research funding will be made available by the Department as needed.  It is expected that the successful candidate will finish the block with demonstrable output such as a peer-reviewed article, presentation at a national meeting, and/or a draft of a grant application. Residents will be expected to present their work in the Spring at our annual Stanford University School of Medicine Neuroscience Research Forum.

Track 2: A dedicated one-year or two-year post-graduate Research Fellowship to be started after successful completion of the Neurology Residency.

Additional Resources:

Potential Research opportunities for Scholars can be explored by visiting faculty profiles on our CAP Network. The Stanford CAP Network is a virtual workspace created by the School of Medicine to support collaboration among faculty, graduate students, postdocs and staff at Stanford University.  

Our PhD training faculty are 95 highly distinguished scientists who have made fundamental discoveries in all areas of neuroscience from molecules to cognition. They have international reputations for excellence in both research and teaching, and are actively involved in training of Program students through direct mentorship, thesis committee participation, instruction of program courses, and/or participation in program leadership. Browse our PhD Program Training Faculty.

Residents participating in the Neuroscience Scholar’s Track are invited to join the Stanford Society of Physician Scholars.  In addition, an innovative program, Advanced Residency Training at Stanford (ARTS), offers the opportunity for selected candidates to combine clinical training with advanced research training to earn a PhD degree during or upon completion of residency. This requires a separate application.

Residents participating in the research tracks, or even those who don’t do one of the tracks formally, are encouraged to be creative with the projects they pursue. Multiple diverse and cutting-edge opportunities are uniquely available at Stanford. Please see our main Education page.