Chief's Blog

GEORGE W. SLEDGE, JR., MD, is Chief of Oncology at Stanford University. Published originally in Oncology Times (, where Dr. Sledge has been writing his award-winning “Musings of a Cancer Doctor” blog since 2011. His OT writing was recognized with an APEX Award for Publication Excellence in the category of “Regular Departments & Columns.”

  • Bad Luck

    I’ve had this conversation a hundred times. My patient, still stunned by her recent breast cancer diagnosis, asks the “why me?’ question.

  • Could You Be any Cuter? Genome Editing and the Future of the Human Species

    The story goes back three years to the development of CRISPR/Cas-9 technology for gene editing by Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier.

  • Triple Crown

    I am no racing fanatic. I have never been to the track, know virtually nothing about horses, and can go years without seeing the Kentucky Derby on TV.

  • Passings

    There is something about the end of a year that renders one more thoughtful, makes one look back rather than forward.

  • Smaller

    My favorite movie of 2013 will not win an Oscar. Entitled “A Boy and His Atom,” it is directed and produced by IBM scientists, and is a totally charming short celebrating nanotechnology. You actually view individual atoms being moved around.

  • The Things We Pass On

    I thought that there could not have been any better year for genomics than 2012, but the last year or so has matched it.