Research Management Group (RMG)

Roles and Responsibilities

Award Negotiation and Activation

Site Visits

PI / Department RMG
Coordinate site visits, travel arrangements, conference calls, and prepare materials as needed. Participate in site visit.

Just-in-Time Requests and Other Support


PI and/or Department RMG

Receives request for just-in-time (JIT) information and notifies RMG.  If clarification is needed, consults with RPM.  Provides copy of all applicable compliance approvals to RMG.

Prepares Other Support documentation. When necessary, obtains Other Support information from all other participating faculty within Stanford or external to Stanford.  Please refer to the Other Support section located in Proposal Preparation and Submission webpage >>.

For NIH JIT requests, the sponsor requires submission of documents only following an email request from the appropriate Grants Management Specialist (GMS).  NIH advises recipients to not respond to automated messages sent by eRA Commons or to JIT hyperlinks that appear automatically in eRA Commons without receiving an e-mail from GMS.

Reviews and submits all required information to the sponsor.

Other Support: review Other Support for completeness, accuracy and consistency with Stanford records; communicate discrepancies and participates in resolution.

Compliance Approvals

PI / Department RMG

Important: PI/Department is always responsible for timely filing and obtaining all required/applicable compliance approvals before the award is released and activated.

Definition: throughout the Roles and Responsibilities document, the term “compliance approvals” refers to all applicable internal (Stanford) approvals and clearances required before an award can be released. The following is a list of all potential approvals/clearances with links to specific instructions and/or resources:

Human Subjects (IRB):

Human Subjects training:

Cancer-related studies – Scientific Review Center (SRC) review:

Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO):

Animal Subjects (APLAC/IACUC):

Biohazardous Agents and Recombinant DNA Safety:

Radiological Safety:

Principal Investigator (PI) Training:
New DoResearch PIship webpage >>

Conflict of Interest
Stanford University COI webpage >>

Confirms clearance is received when applicable and confirms compliance approvals are in place.

Terms and Conditions: Review and Negotiation

RMG OSR Contracts

Reviews terms and conditions for compliance with University policies. If problematic terms and conditions are identified, consults with OSR Contracts. Negotiates grant award terms and conditions with sponsor through guidance and/or direct support from OSR.

Upon RMG’s request, reviews problematic terms or conditions.
Partners with RMG in negotiation with sponsors when necessary.

RMG OSR Contracts

Note: If contract agreement is sent to RMG, RMG will forward agreement to the appropriate negotiating office for review.  RMG does not participate in negotiation of contracts.

Reviews and negotiates any problematic terms and conditions.

Industrial Contracts ( except Clinical Trials>> )
RMG ICO-Industrial Contract Office

Note: If contract agreement is sent to RMG, RMG will forward agreement to the appropriate negotiating office for review.  RMG does not participate in negotiation of contracts.

Review and negotiate any special terms or conditions related to industrial contracts.

Early and Extended PTA Setup (for new PTA set-up please go to the Award Activation section >> below)

Early PTA / PTA Set Up

PI / Department RMG OSR




[Step 2]:  Initiates, completes, obtains departmental signatures and forwards the early PTA form (OSR Form#38) to RMG.

Tip: Go to the bottom of this DoResearch Early PTA webpage >>, scroll down to "Related Items" and click on "Documents" to download the OSR Form #38.

Note: by requesting an early PTA, the PI/Dept is accountable for covering all incurred expenses in the event the project is not funded.

[Step 1]:  Advises PI/Department on the appropriateness and timing of the request.

Upon request from the PI or department, verifies anticipated start date and funding status with sponsor.



[Step 3]:  Verifies all applicable compliance approvals have been filed with the appropriate compliance office.  Approves early PTA requests and obtains SOM Controller's approval of guarantee account. Forwards request to OSR Account Setup (grants) or OSR SoM Contracts (contracts and subcontracts) with accompanying documentation as needed.







[Step 4]:  Reviews and approves early PTA forms for contracts. Forwards to OSR Account Set-up where the process is completed.

Note: OSR Accounting processes and completes all PTA requests within 4 business days from the receipt of all required documentation.

Extended PTA / PTA Set Up
PI / Department RMG OSR

Initiates request using the SeRA PTA Manager.

Tip: see the DoResearch webpage: PTA Inititation and Setup-SeRA Sponsored PTA Manager training module more >>

Note: by requesting an early account/PTA, the PI/Dept is accountable for covering all incurred expenses in the event the project is not funded,


Advises PI/Department on the appropriateness and timing of the request.

Certain types of projects (PPGs, T32s) receive an extended PTA guaranteed by the SoM automatically, before the next budget period begins. No action is required from the PI/Dept or RMG. A notification is sent by RMG’s Compliance Analyst (currently Mila Dacorro) for this action.

If needed, verifies anticipated start date and funding status with sponsor.

Verifies all applicable compliance approvals [see the above section on compliance >> ]

Approves early PTA requests and obtains SOM Controller's approval of guarantee account. Forwards request to OSR Account Setup (grants) or OSR SOM Contracts (contracts and subcontracts) with accompanying documentation as needed.

Reviews and approves early PTA forms for contracts. Forwards to OSR Account Set-up where the process is completed.

Note: OSR Accounting processes and completes all PTA requests within 4 business days from the receipt of all required documentation.









Award Activation and PTA Set-up

Overview of the Process Flow

(This process applies to all types of awards described below, unless noted):

  1. Receipt of Sponsor Award
  2. Negotiation of Award (if necessary)
    Grants, Subcontracts, Contracts, Industrial Contracts (except Clinical Trials)
  3. Release of Internal Notice of Award (NOA)
  4. **New** SeRA PTA Manager: Search tip: DoResearch webpage: PTA Inititation and Setup-SeRA Sponsored PTA Manager module more >>

Award Negotiation

Type of Award: Grants

PI / Department RMG

If award or agreement documentation is sent directly to PI, forwards immediately to RMG.
Participates in any award negotiations, when needed.





  Main department should communicate with other participating departments to address post award management issues.

Receives agreement. Reviews terms and conditions, awarded budget and F&A rates.
Other award issue may include:

  • Budget discrepancies: works with PI/Dept to revise proposal budget to match the award.
  • Significant budget cuts: addresses the need to revise proposed aims/scope of work and/or proposed efforts.
  • Duration changes (e.g. project proposed for 5 years but awarded for only 3): consults with PI/Dept on resulting changes in aims/scope of work.

Communicates changes to the sponsor &/or obtains sponsor approvals when needed.

Accepts awards on behalf of Stanford University.

Type of Award: Subcontracts (new and amendments)

PI / Department RMG OSR (SoM Contracts)

Notifies OSR award is coming. Initiates early PTA when needed.

Note: OSR follows-up with sponsor on status of delayed agreements.

If necessary, revises the budget in cooperation with PI/Dept.

Provides proposal information and/or file to OSR.

Negotiates the agreement with the sponsor.

Executes the agreement with the sponsor on behalf of the University.

Type of Award: Contracts (federal or other)

PI / Department RMG OSR

If award or agreement documentation is sent directly to PI, forwards immediately to OSR with a copy to RMG.

Participates in any award negotiations when needed.

If necessary, revises the budget in cooperation with PI/Dept.

Provides proposal information and/or file to OSR.

Negotiates the agreement with the sponsor.

Executes the agreement with the sponsor on behalf of the University.

Type of Award: Industrial Contracts (except Clinical Trials)

PI / Department RMG OSR

If award or agreement documentation is sent directly to PI, forwards immediately to OSR with a copy to RMG.

Participates in any award negotiations when needed.

If necessary, revises the budget in cooperation with PI/Dept.

Provides proposal information and/or file to Industrial Contracts Office (ICO).

Negotiates the agreement with the sponsor.

Executes the agreement with the sponsor on behalf of the University.

Issues the notice of award (NOA) and sends to RMG.

Award Activation and PTA Set Up

Release of the Internal Notice of Award (NOA)

PI / Department RMG OSR

[Step 2]:  Reviews internal NOA, sponsor’s terms and conditions, sponsor’s  website, restrictions, effort commitments, for the purpose of managing the award.

Communicates discrepancies, errors and other issues to RMG.

[Step 1]:  Issues internal Notice of Award (NOA).

Distributes NOA with copy of sponsor’s award and budget to PI, Department, and other central offices and departments as applicable.

Negotiates the agreement with the sponsor.

Executes the agreement with the sponsor on behalf of the University.



Note: OSR PTA Set-up Group (not presented above) is responsible for completing the PTA set-up process within 4 days from receiving complete documentation.


Activation of Subawards to Other Institutions

PI / Department RMG OSR Contracts

[Step 2]:  After receiving the internal NOA, submits requisition(s) to Procurement  for all subaward agreement(s) to be initiated, negotiated and awarded.

Tip: Go to the DoResearch webpage for information on the ORA-1122 Subaward Training Module
more >>

[Step 4]:  As needed, responds to requests for additional Statement of Work, effort and other pertinent information.

[Step 1:]: Distributes prime sponsor Notice of Award and subaward proposal documents to Department and OSR .

[Step 3:]:  Receives requisition from Procurement to initiate subaward process. Informs the PI, department, and RMG of the assigned contract officer.

Reports when the subaward contract is sent to the recipient via SPO log.

Receives and reviews all required internal subaward documents and reconcile with requisition. Verifies subrecipient Statement of Work and effort with PI. Confirms subrecipient compliance approvals are in place.

[Step 5]:  Drafts and negotiates subaward agreements.

Executes subawards on behalf of the University.

Distributes a copy of the subaward contract to PI, Department, RMG, and Procurement.

Post-award:  Receives invoices from subrecipients and reviews expenses for allowability, and reasonableness. Forwards invoices to Accounts Payable where the payments are finalized/processed.  


Follows up with respective subrecipient as needed to ensure timely execution and completion of contract.



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