Research Management Group (RMG)

Roles and Responsibilities

Progress/Interim Reports, Continuation Proposals, and No-Cost Extensions


 eSNAP Progress Reports for NIH submitted electronically via the NIH Commons

PI / Department RMG


[Step 1]:  Communicates NIH progress report deadlines to PIs, typically a month in advance.   The e-mail reminder will include instructions. RMG will also initiate a PDRF.


[Step 2]:  Reviews and corrects the all personnel report to reflect actual annualized effort expended for current year.  This includes subrecipients & consultants.  Manages the routing of the PDRF and ensures the collection of all signatures, including those for Other Stanford Faculty (OSF) whether in the same department or in other departments. Routes completed and approved PDRF back to RMG. 

Note:  The approval of the DFA or designee on the PDRF signifies that the proposed levels of effort for personnel and the effort on the all personnel report are correct. 
Reviews all personnel report in comparison to previous year’s report to determine whether any personnel named on the notice of award had an effort reduction greater than 25% as this will require prior approval from sponsor.

Prepares the progress report, including updated other support [see the Other Support section of the Proposal Preparation and Submission webpage >>] when required, and routs to the RPM, via eCommons.

Internal deadline policy applies  
Refer to the deadline policy memo >>
Reviews and submits the progress report via eCommons.

Progress Reports for NIH submitted by paper

PI / Department RMG


[Step 1]:  Communicates NIH progress report deadlines to PIs, typically a month in advance.   The e-mail reminder will include instructions. RMG will also initiate a PDRF.


[Step 2}: Alerts the RPM of any changes to the budget from what was previously awarded

[Step 3]: In collaboration with PI/Department, develops the budget.

Initiates PDRF and routes to PI.

Manages the routing of the PDRF and ensures the collection of all signatures, including those for Other Stanford Faculty (OSF) whether in the same department or in other departments. Routes completed and approved PDRF back to RMG. 

 Note:  The approval of the DFA or designee on the PDRF signifies that the proposed levels of effort for personnel and the effort on the all personnel report are correct. 
Prepares all sponsor forms excluding signature page, budget forms, and checklist. Completes signature pages, budget forms, and checklists as required.
Submits complete and final progress report to RMG 5 business days before the sponsor deadline, in accordance with the deadline policy memo >> Reviews and signs proposals as the Institutional Official on behalf of Stanford University.
Assembles, paginates, makes required number of copies and mails progress reports to NIH.  Provides a complete and final copy to RMG.  

Progress Reports for Non-NIH sponsors

Note:  As this applies to many different sponsors, all with different requirements, below captures the most common scenarios.

PI / Department RMG

Responsible for tracking progress report deadlines. (RMG will not send reminders)  When no forms or institutional signatures are required, PI submits the report to the sponsor and provides a final copy to RMG.


If an expenditure report or fiscal officer signature is required, work with OSR Accounting and provide a final copy to RMG.


If the progress report requires a budget or institutional signature, contact RMG, typically 30 days in advance.

Reviews requirements, completes signature pages, and budget forms as needed. Initiates PDRF* and route to PI when required. 
Obtains all signatures, including those for faculty from other departments and manages the routing. The approval of the DFA or designee on the PDRF signifies that the current and proposed levels of effort for personnel being reported are correct.  Routes completed and approved PDRF back to RMG.  
Submits complete and final progress report to RMG 5 business days before the sponsor deadline, in accordance with the deadline policy memo >>

Reviews and signs proposals as the Institutional Official on behalf of Stanford University.

Submits proposal electronically when sponsor requires submission by institutional signing official.

Assembles, paginates, makes required number of copies and mails progress reports to sponsor or submits electronically as required.  Provides a complete and final copy to RMG.


Note:  * PDRF is only required when as part of the progress report the University is reporting on effort, submitting a new budget, or if the sponsor requires annual disclosure of conflict of interest.

Renewal (Competing Continuation) Projects

PI / Department RMG

Communicates to RMG whether a No-cost extension &/or competing renewal proposal will be submitted and when.

Note:  For Competing Renewal application preparation and submission process, please refer to the Proposal Preparation and Submission section>>

For NIH:  Via internal Notice of Award, communicates to PI whether the award is in its final year of the competing segment and indicates applicable competing renewal deadline.

No-cost Extensions (NCX)

PI / Department

RMG (for grants)
ICO (for industrial contracts)
OSR (for all other contracts)

              OSR Accounting

Informs RMG or OSR of need for NCX.

Utilize the Internal/Stanford NCX Forms for:

NCX Form-Grants: RMG forms webpage >>

Industrial Contracts:
ICO form-RMG forms webpage >>

All Other Contracts:
NCX Form Contracts- RMG forms webpage >>

The RPM, Industrial Contracts Officer and OSR Contracts Officer will perform the following actions for grants, industrial contracts, and all other contracts respectively.

Reviews NCX request. 

Informs PI of the need for a NCX letter and budgetary information if required by sponsor.

The RPM prepares effort/salary waiver if PTA does not contain sufficient funds to cover PI salary expenses on project and informs sponsor of effort reduction during NCX period.

For Contracts, the PI forwards a copy of the NCX form to RPM.  RPM reviews request to determine whether an effort/salary waiver is needed.  If needed, RPM prepares waiver, routes for signature, then sends signed copy of waiver and NCX form to contract officer.


Provides budgetary information and letter justifying the need for the NCX if required by sponsor. 

RMG/OSR may need to inquire with the sponsor ahead of time to find out what they require.


Submits the budgetary information and letter to the institutional signing official for counter signature.

The RPM, Industrial Contracts Officer and OSR Contracts Officer will perform the following actions for grants, industrial contracts, and all other contracts respectively.

Reviews NCX letter and countersigns request.  Submits request to sponsor.  Follows-up with sponsor on status of request and notifies PI of final outcome.

If approved, processes NCX award. 


The Industrial Contracts Officer will forward the NCX NOA to RMG for review and distribution.

RMG and OSR will

Distribute NCX NOA to PI/Dept and central offices as needed. 
    Updates project end date in Oracle Financials

Note:  To ensure the PTA remains active, extended PTA request may be required. [See the Extended PTA /PTA Set up section on the Award Negotiation and Activation webpage >> .]



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