Department of Medicine

Life as a Resident

Living in the Bay Area

golden gate bridge

Intern, Lauren Cheung, MD, at the Golden Gate Bridge

Set against the beautiful California hills, Stanford not only provides its housestaff with unmatched clinical and research opportunities, it is a great place to work and enjoy personal and family time On long days, an evening surf session or long mountain bike ride may be your outlet of choice, or hiking or rock climbing in the local hills. Wine tasting is just minutes away in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or in two hours, you can find yourself in the famous Napa Valley. A three hour drive north takes you to world class ski slopes in the Lake Tahoe area .Palo Alto itself is a bastion of social life.  From an immense variety of restaurants and bars, Stanford residents often find themselves without need to venture far for night life. And just forty-five minutes north on Highway 101 will land you in the beautiful setting of San Francisco, with its diverse, fun, and quirky neighborhoods.

san gregorio beach

San Gregorioa Beach, California. Photo taken by Intern, Jason Bartos, MD

Stanford University is also well known for its commitment to athletics. Elite athletic training facilities are accessible to housestaff, as are the wide range of college sporting events for viewing. Take a Saturday off to go surfing in the morning, catch a Stanford football game in the afternoon, and then hit downtown Palo Alto for the night life.  At Stanford, our housestaff can balance their work life and personal life with the variety of outdoor opportunities that northern California has to offer. 

Palo Alto and the neighboring communities offer vibrant atmospheres with a multitude of restaurants and shopping areas. Local and campus events could easily fill one's calendar. The San Francisco Bay Area is also well known for its museums, theaters, restaurants, music, and the arts. Sports activities range from college and intramural programs at Stanford to professional sporting events in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. Overall, the area is a rich cultural center and is diverse in its offerings to local residents.


Program Events

orientationIntern Orientation

Intern Orientation is typically held a week and half before the start of internship year.  During orientation, interns participate in a variety of computer access training, review policies and procedures, as well as meet current residents.  Throughout the week there are also social events including a mixer with other interns and a Welcome Dinner at the home of the Department Chair. 

Intern Retreat

Intern Retreat is typically held in October just for interns. This retreat gives the intern class dedicated time together to reflect on their first few months of residency, a group activity ending with a dinner.

Resident Retreatretreat

The Resident Retreat is held each spring for all residents. During the retreat, residents have the opportunity to reflect on their experience thus far as well as make recommendations for improvements that can be implemented before the year is over.  This is one of the few times during the year when all residents are together for a day of fun.

Committee on Residency Reform (CRR)

CRR meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month.  CRR provides another forum for residents to voice any concerns as well as be involve in discussion on various topics including: educational and training experience, streamlining processes for efficiency, as well as addressing any concerns. All residents are welcome to attend, however there are always class representatives, chief residents and program directors.

town hall dinnerTown Hall Dinner Meetings

Town Hall Dinner Meetings are held quarterly in the Bing Dining Room at Stanford University Hospital. All residents are invited to enjoy dinner with fellow residents, program directors and the Chair. These quarterly dinners provide another opportunity for residents to share their resident experience.

Holiday Party

The program hosts an annual holiday party in December for all residents to celebrate the holiday season.

dinnerEnd of the Year Banquet

The End of the Year Banquet is a celebration dinner tohonor our graduating residents as well aspresentation of awards voted by the house staff.  All residents are invited to attendas well asfamilies of graduating senior residents. The evening also includes dinner and dancing.


Twice a year, all residents and their families are invited to a fun afternoon of food and games to enjoy the nice weather.



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