Stanford Medical Student Association (SMSA)

Committee Updates

We are very fortunate to have many opportunities for students to contribute constructively to the educational activities at the Stanford School of Medicine.  Read below to learn more about the various SoM committees that exist and how you can get involved with them. 

New task forces, working groups, steering committees, etc. are always forming, so stay in touch with your SMSA representatives to learn about the latest activities.

CCAP: Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy

CCAP official website

The Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy (CCAP, formerly Committee on Courses and Curriculum, CCC & Committee on Performance and Academic Assessment, CPAA) is a standing committee of the School of Medicine Faculty Senate, which is responsible for all decisions regarding the medical student curriculum. The CCAP, in conjunction with other offices, reviews evaluation findings and makes curricular and administrative decisions based in part on these findings.

The CCAP is currently focusing on the teaching of clinical skills across the curriculum, based on concerns about student performance in the final clinical skills examination and student concerns about the level of clinical skills teaching during clerkships.  In addition, the CCAP is also re-examining the structure of the pre-clinical curriculum.

Two pre-clinical, one MD-PhD, and two clinical CCAP student representatives (elected in the annual Spring SMSA Elections) attend the monthly CCAP meetings and contribute to conversations about moving the medical school curriculum forward; in particular, they are able to clarify and express students' concerns and praises of the curriculum. One preclinical and one clinical student representative has full voting privileges at the monthly meeting. In addition, student representatives also serve on the monthly working group committee evaluating the clerkship evaluations of clinical students.

Recent CCAP Activities/Updates:

Lane Student Advisory Committee

The Lane Student Advisory Committee is composed of MD and PhD students and Lane Library Staff who meet several times throughout the academic year to address issues of importance to students that relate to Lane's services (e.g. study space, Lane website upgrades, new technical support services).  These meetings usually occur during the noon hour in the Lane Library Conference room.  If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact Tracy Terada.  Or if you would like to be on the Lane Student Advisory listserv (, just send an email to with "subscribe lane_student" in the body of the email.   Additionally, if you ever have any Lane Library questions, feel free to utilize Lane's Liaison Program to find the Librarian best matched to help answer your questions or when all else fails, contact Lauren Maggio.

Recent Lane Student Advisory Activities/Updates:


Committee on Admissions

Read below to learn about the many ways you can be involved with MD Admissions. No matter how busy your schedule is, there are always ways you can help. Email Greg Vaughn,, if you have any questions or would like to volunteer for any of the positions below.

Serve as a Hosting Coordinator:

Serve as a Tour Coordinator:

Host Interviewees/Admits:

Give tours:

Interview MD Candidates:

Serve on the Committee on Admissions (CoA):

Serve on the Diversity Admissions Panel (DAP):

Help Coordinate Admit Weekend!
(These positions are open to all MD students, but first years are preferred.)

Teaching Award Committee

The teaching awards committee (TAC) is a student advisory group made up of student representatives from all years of the MD student body. The committee advises Dr. Charles Prober, Cindy Irvine, Zera Murphy on the issue of teaching awards for medical school faculty. In its inaugural year (2008-09), the TAC was charged with carrying out the School of Medicine teaching award nomination and selection processes for the MD student body. This work will continue in the future.

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