Stanford Medical Student Association (SMSA)

Mentorship Resources


Finding good mentors can be a challenging process for medical students.  Nonetheless, Stanford has a wealth of resources that can help you find the guidance you need.  Below is a variety of electronic resources and annual events that can connect you with faculty and alumni mentors.

Searchable Electronic Databases

Community Academic Profiles - A directory of Stanford Faculty Researchers

Alumni Directory - A comprehensive directory of Stanford Med Alumni

Career Advisory Network (CAN) - A directory of Stanford Alumni from across the country (and around the world) who have registered to be available to mentor/advise MD and PhD students. 

SMSA-Sponsored Mentorship Activities

Gardner Mentorship Events - Fun outings that bring med students and faculty together outside the academic setting

Alumni Mentorship Events - A great way to meet Stanford Med Alumni who work in a variety of fields and practice settings

Big Sib/Little Sib Peer Mentoring Program

Other Resources

Stanford School of Medicine Career Center

Academic Advising Deans

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