Stanford Medical Student Association (SMSA)

SMSA Funding Opportunities


SMSA offers funding opportunities for Stanford Medical School student groups, individual student initiatives, and social events through a variety of funding mechanisms. There are also Stanford University-wide funding opportunities that are available to medical school students. Please email the SMSA Treasurer if you have any questions.

For information on SMSA reimbursement policies, please go here.

For answers to common questions about reimbursements, organization registration, and organization banking tips, please visit the FAQ page found here.

1) SMSA Funding For Student Groups

Stanford Medical School student organizations can fund their group activities through multiple SMSA funding mechanisms:
1) Annual Funding
2) Group Conference Travel (GCT)
3) Student Projects and Initiatives Funding (SPIF)
4) Gardner Mentorship Events (details here)
Details and links to the applications for the first three funding opportunities can be found here.

2) SMSA Funding For Individual Student Initiatives

Individual students can receive funding to support extracurricular activities through two SMSA funding mechanisms: Individual Conference Travel (ICT) and Student Projects and Initiatives Funding (SPIF). Details and links to the applications can be found here.

3) SMSA Funding For Social Events

To propose a school-wide social event, contact the Social Chairs. To propose a class-wide event, contact your Class Reps.

4) Stanford University-wide Resources

i) Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Funds:
*Only groups registered with SAL are eligible to apply. Retroactive funding is rare; you should plan to apply for funding 3-4 weeks in advance of your event.
Many types of funding are available (from hundreds to thousands of dollars), for events ranging from "all types" to type specific: Graduate Student, Department Related Activities, Community Service Programs, Speakers Event, Educational Student Project, Concerts, LGBT, Culturally Specific (International, Black, Native American, Chicano). Some applications are accepted on a rolling basis, others on a quarterly or yearly basis. See the SAL Funding Page for more details on all the available on-campus funding sources.

ii) Academic Diversity Initiative Funds:
*Applications are accepted on November 1st, February 1st, and April 1st of each academic year.
The Vice Provost for Graduate Education funds projects to advance graduate student diversity by serving the academic interests of current students and enhancing the quality of their educational experiences. See the subheading of Funding for Student Organizations on the VPGE Funding Opportunities Page.

iii) Student Project for Intellectual Community Enhancement (SPICE) Funds:
SPICE Funds support graduate students (master’s, doctoral, or professional) to develop innovative activities to expand the intellectual community of their department or program.

5) Department Sponsorship

All student interest groups are strongly encouraged to contact their affiliated Department(s) to receive funding for interest group events.


Stanford Medicine Resources:

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