Danièle Archambault

Studio E-6

Graphic Narrative, Illustration  

Artist Statement

Danièle Archambault, Ph.D. (Linguistics). I am a researcher, author, and educator who is interested in comics as a way to document a society’s cultural and linguistic landscape. I am the author of three graphic memoir series: Stairway stories, Québec-California, and Une année sans alcool (A Year Without a Drink). I usually start my artwork by first penciling my drawings on high quality art paper and then adding black India ink on top of the pencil drawings. It’s in the coloring process that I tend to do the most exploration. While I like experimenting with new types of digital art and digital painting, I often use a simpler and more traditional medium like colored pencils and watercolor pencil to enhance the personal and intimate aspect of a story.

Originally from Montréal, I moved to Palo Alto Palo Alto 18 years ago. I had solo and group exhibitions (juried) in Canada and in the United States. I am a regular guest speaker on documenting culture and dialects through comics at various educational and cultural institutions. I teach graphic novel and illustration classes at the Palo Alto Art Center and I give graphic memoir workshops at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco and at other educational venues.

Corde à linge (Clothes Line), 2012, Watercolor 12 x 9 in, ©Danièle Archambault

Le Renard et les Raisins (The Fox and the Grapes), 2011, Mixed media (ink and digital painting), 11 x 6 in, ©Danièle Archambault

White Christmas,  2012, Mixed media (Ink, watercolor and digital painting), 12X9 in, ©Danièle Archambault

Contact Info







Adult Art Classes at the Palo Alto Art Center: Graphic Novel and Illustration. Advanced Techniques - 10 weeks of great art fun!

This class will be an opportunity for students to begin or continue working on a sequential art project (graphic novels, illustration, comics, travel diaries, children books, etc.). Drawing and writing exercises, experimentation with a variety of media, and ongoing exploration of famous author’s work will allow students to further their skills at telling stories with pictures. After a quick overview of the basic techniques, we will explore in a more advanced way some aspects of narrative art such as storytelling, picture composition, page layout, use of traditional and digital tools, etc. This is a great class for art beginners as well as experienced artists.

Where: Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto, CA
When: Jan. 6 to March 10, 2015. Tuesdays, 7-9 PM
Information: Palo Alto Art Center (650) 329-2366 or Contact me
Register on line or by mail, fax or in person
Registration opens:
December 5th, 2014, 8:30 am for Palo Alto Residents
December 12, 2014, 8:30 am for non-residents

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2015