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Courtesy of Dominique Bergmann - leaf cells



Our Science Program invests in the development of new technologies, supports the world’s top research scientists and brings together new—often groundbreaking—scientific partnerships. Our passion for discovery reflects that of our founders, Gordon and Betty Moore.

We believe in the inherent value of science and the sense of awe that discovery inspires. Scientific advancement and societal benefits will occur if we find ways to unleash the potential of inquiry and exploration. So we take risks, we incubate change, and we foster the kind of excitement that inspires third-graders to become scientists. We look for opportunities to transform, or even create, entire fields.

We support emerging research—often so innovative and at such an early stage that it has been overlooked or underfunded. We fund research that does the following:

  • Acquires new knowledge and asks questions not previously possible
  • Enables new science through technology
  • Breaks down barriers and cultivates new collaborations that might not otherwise happen
  • Enhances society’s understanding of the inherent value of science

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Robert Kirshner, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer

Sara Bender, Ph.D., Program Officer 

Kelly Canesi, Program Associate

Aanika Carroll, Program Associate

Janet Coffey, Ph.D., Program Officer

Jon Feiber, Program Fellow

Anna Gallagher, Program Associate

Ernie Glover, Ph.D., Program Officer

Gary Greenburg, Ph.D., Program Officer

Adam Jones, Ph.D., Program Officer

Jon Kaye, Ph.D., Program Director

Lloyd Lee, Program Associate

Chris Mentzel, Program Director

Julia Metzner, Program Manager

Dusan Pejakovic, Ph.D., Program Officer

Aditi Risbud, Ph.D., Communications Officer

Ann Saunders, Executive Assistant

Carly Strasser, Ph.D., Program Officer

Natalie Caulk, Program Associate



California Institute of Technology

Robert Kirshner, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer

Aanika Carroll, Program Associate

Dusan Pejakovic, Ph.D., Program Officer


Data-Driven Discovery

Chris Mentzel, Program Director

Carly Strasser, Ph.D., Program Officer

Jon Feiber, Program Fellow

Natalie Caulk, Program Associate


Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems

Robert Kirshner, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer 

Anna Gallagher, Program Associate

Ernie Glover, Ph.D., Program Officer

Dusan Pejakovic, Ph.D., Program Officer


Marine Microbiology Initiative

Jon Kaye, Ph.D., Program Director

Kelly Canesi, Program Associate

Adam Jones, Ph.D., Program Officer

Sara Bender, Ph.D., Program Officer


Plant Science Collaboration with HHMI

Gary Greenburg, Ph.D., Program Officer

Lloyd Lee, Program Associate


Special Projects

Robert Kirshner, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer

Aanika Carroll, Program Associate

Janet Coffey, Ph.D., Program Officer

Anna Gallagher, Program Associate

Ernie Glover, Ph.D., Program Officer

Gary Greenburg, Ph.D., Program Officer

Jon Kaye, Ph.D., Program Director

Lloyd Lee, Program Associate

Chris Mentzel, Program Director

Julia Metzner, Program Manager 

Dusan Pejakovic, Ph.D., Program Officer