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There are two types of accounts in SCRP, the Tax-Deferred Account (TDA) and the Contributory Retirement Account (CRA).

The table below outlines the differences between the two accounts.


Tax-Deferred Account

Contributory Retirement Account


Stanford employees


Benefits-eligible Stanford employees who have completed one year service. 

Contribution Type You can contribute before-tax dollars into the SCRP.

You can contribute a percentage of your salary on either a before-tax or after-tax basis.

In addition, you can receive one of two-types of university contributions: basic or matching.


Eligible to enroll following your first regular paycheck.

View more information about how to enroll

Automatic enrollment at a 4 percent before-tax contribution rate.  

If you enroll and make contributions of your own, you become eligible for matching contributions from Stanford. 

If you contribute to TDA in your first year and do not elect to participate in CRA, you will not be automatically enrolled.  

View more information about how to enroll


If you are recalled into active employment (faculty or staff) you may have additional eligibility considerations. Contact Stanford Benefits for assistance at 650-736-2985, option 4.