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Our Phases

The Performance Management@Stanford program challenges you to excel in skills that you may not use all of the time. Each phase has its own To-Do List and Toolkit to support your skill building and reinforce the tenets of the program.


1/3 of the circle is goal setting and development planning

Phase 1: Goal Setting & Development Planning

Goal setting and development planning are done at the beginning of the fiscal year or your performance cycle (depending on your organization). Goals help make sure that what you're doing aligns with the organization's mission and priorities.

For Employees

For Managers

1/3 of the circle is Mid-Year Check-In

Phase 2: Mid-Year Check-In

The Mid-Year Check-In gives employees and managers an opportunity to discuss goal accomplishments in the first half of the year; explore and understand priorities for the remainder of the year; and discuss progress against the development plan. It allows managers to give specific feedback and coaching, as well as provide a general sense of how performance is being measured without assigning ratings. An important part of the mid-year conversation is to recognize an employee's contributions.

For Employees

For Managers

1/3 of the circle is Year-End Review

Phase 3: Year-End Review

The Year-End Review is the formal performance assessment for the year. The purpose of a year-end assessment is to review achievements against goals and competencies, celebrate your successes, and document the progress you have made on your development plan. It also helps to ensure that all employees are fairly assessed, have a sense of accomplishment, and clearly understand how their accomplishments have helped drive Stanford's mission of excellence.

For Employees

For Managers