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Research shows that having a great teacher three years in a row can significantly narrow the achievement gap. Stanford's Center to Support Excellence in Teaching (CSET) is at the forefront of a national movement to raise the quality of teaching in America. Watch how CSET's relationship with Balboa High School in the San Francisco Unified School District has made an impact on their students, teachers, and education leaders.
CSET Speaker Series: Pondering Excellence in Teaching

Common Core and the Heritage Spanish Classroom

20 July 2015 - Stanford Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford World Language Project, Center to Support Excellence in Teaching

Aquire and share strategies for culturally responsive pedagogy, motivating students, and more.
CSET Speaker Series: Pondering Excellence in Teaching
Core Practices for Inquiry-based History Teaching and Teaching the Mathematical Practices:Modeling with Math (week 1) have SOLD OUT! Lots of great courses left to choose from. Check them out and register!
Choose from a diverse line-up of exceptional professional development offerings.


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