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Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning

ChemEx2 | Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning

The Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning (ChemEx2) professional development program is based on a highly generative model CSET and the Chemistry department have collaborated around since 2009. The initial program included a group of high school chemistry Fellows working in the chemistry labs for eight weeks to develop a unique library of hands-on, “guided-inquiry” labs vetted for tenth grade chemistry classrooms. 

The program targets three sets of teachers:

  1. Teachers who will produce new labs/resources in an eight-week fellowship program;
  2. Teachers who will learn how to use and consume the resources in a two-week professional development institute; and
  3. Teachers who will grow from being a teacher to being a teacher leader in a five-day leadership training and then will co-facilitate the 2-week long professional development institute. We plan to grow these teachers to become professional developers capable of creating a ChemEx2 experience in their own school/local area. This is a critical feature to build capacity and scale the network.

The ChemEx2 program includes five components: 1) face-to-face training, 2) development of more content, including labs and resources; 3) creation of a website to disseminate materials and build community; 4) national scaling of the professional development and innovations grants program, and 5) spreading the model to other STEM areas. 

The  Stanford ChemEx2 team Chris Chidsey (Associate Professor, Stanford Department of Chemistry); Jennifer Schwartz (Senior Lecturer, Stanford Department of Chemistry); Cristina So (CSET Clinical Associate); and Jeannie Lythcott (CSET Clinical Associate).
The ChemEx2 Leading Teachers are Gary Benz (American High School), Kevin Doyle (Aragon High School), Katrina Rotter (Lowell High School), Sally Seebode (San Mateo High School).