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Human Resources Management System

HRMS Job Aids

Use the job aids below with business processes that use the HR system to create or maintain job or position records in the HR Management System, currently PeopleSoft.

See also:

Transaction Description and Tools Web
Add Employment Instance
  • Hire an existing Stanford employee who already has a part-time job and is adding another job in  your department
  • Hire an employee who has record 70(s) or 450(s)
  • Add a joint appointment for a Faculty member
  • Hire a Stanford student with no previous employment
  • Hire an employee who has Personal Data, but no Job Data record

Use for Salaried and Hourly Benefits Eligible Employees (includes Taleo-PeopleSoft integration):

Use for Faculty, Benefits Eligible Other Teaching, Academic Staff and Contingent:

Employment Update
  • Update an employee's record within your current department. This can either be a change of position number (transferring within your department) or a pay rate change.

Use for Salaried and Hourly Benefits Eligible Employees (includes Taleo-PeopleSoft integration)







  • Hire external candidate that has received and accepted an offer of employment at Stanford University.

Use for Salaried and Hourly (including Taleo-PeopleSoft integration):

Use for Faculty, Benefits Eligible Other Teaching, Academic Staff and Contingent:


Leave of Absence

Process a leave of absence, such as seasonal layoff, terminal vacation or return from leave.

Non-Employee Affiliate


Off Cycle Check


Position Management No
  • Rehire a candidate who has an existing Stanford University Employee ID that has been terminated. 
  • Use the lowest terminated record number to rehire the employee.

Use for Salaried and Hourly Benefits Eligible Employees (including Taleo-PeopleSoft integration):

Use for Faculty, Benefits Eligible Other Teaching, Academic Staff and Contingent:

  • A Retire transaction is a type of termination. Before coding a Retirement on the Termination Form, the employee's eligibility for Retirement status must be verified via a Benefits Request:
    • Include the employee's name, EmplID, expected retirement date and a requested response date
  • When you complete a Termination Form to end the employment of an employee who has previously Retired from Stanford, use the Action "Retirement" and Reason "RET"
    • Benefits will create the Retiree Record (400 Record) in PeopleSoft
  • The Action "Retirement" prompts the Benefits provider to transition the employee to the Retiree set of benefits
    • If you mistakenly use the Action "Termination", the Benefits provider will receive notice of this employee's Termination (but not Retirement) and active employee benefits will end; the system will not be prompted to transition the employee to Retiree Benefits.
  • A regular staff layoff to retirement must be approved by Employee & Labor Relations.
  • For Staff Emeriti procedures, refer to the HRM Toolkit (secure login required).
Search Match
  • Always verify if an incoming employee has an existing Employee ID (or University ID) at Stanford before adding the person to the database.
Staff Reclassification


  • Reclassifications are a two-step process: update the position record, and then update the job record.
Supplemental Pay
  • Process a payment (or stream of payments) that is in addition to the regular ongoing semi-monthly pay.
Temp/Casual/Student to Regular (Benefits-Eligible) Staff Position Yes and No
Termination Yes
  • Previous department release a job record to the new department when an employee is re-hired or transferred to another department
  • New department process a Hire Web Form to transfer employee into the department with no break in service.

Use for Salaried and Hourly Benefits Eligible Employees (includes Taleo-PeopleSoft integration)

Use for Faculty, Benefits Eligible Other Teaching and Academic Staff

Yes and No
Update Job Data
  • Update an employee's Business Title, Work Phone, Mail Code and/or Extend Appointment End Date
Update Personal Data
  • Update personal data for an active or terminated employee (i.e. Date of Birth, SSN, Addresses, STF Service Date, etc.)
Update STF Reports To or Work Assgn Dept for Contingent & Student Employees
  • Update the manager/supervisor's position number and/or Work Assignment (Department ID) for a contingent or student employee.
View Access Only-Job Data & Personal Data

