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Emergency Grand Rounds

October 28

Emergency Medicine Conference [2015-10-28]

Presented by: Alex Zozula, Ian Storch, David Radler, Danny Lee, Eric Leroux, Molly Estes, Donald Schreiber, Laleh Gharahbaghian, Greg Wallingford, Yoshi Mitarai, James Quinn.

7:30-8:00am: Hemato-, (Onco-), and Immunologic Disorders / Zozula

8:00-8:30am: Atrial Fibrillation: Management in the Emergency Department / Storch **No Audio**

8:30-9:30am: Trauma Conference / Radler, Lee

9:30-10:30am: Stanford/Kaiser Emergency Medicine / Leroux, Estes, Schreiber, Gharahbaghian

10:30-11:30am: EM/ICU Joint Conference / Wallingford, Mitarai

11:30am-12:00pm: ESETT (Established Status Epilepticus Trial) and Exception from Informed Consent (EFIC): Pathway to Performing Emergency Research / Quinn.

October 14

Emergency Medicine Conference [2015-10-14]

Presented by: Colin Little, Victoria Maria Klyce, Eric Leroux, Rebecca Smith-Coggins, Lauren, Pike, Maria Ortega Tsiu, Josh Reicher, Phillips Perera, Arica Nesper, Danielle Goodrich, Matthew Strehlow.

7:30-8:00am: Systemic Infections / Little

8:00-8:30am: Reflection Rounds / Klyce, Leroux, Smith-Coggins **No audio**

8:30-9:00am: Upper Extremity Orthopedics: From Forearm to Fingers / Pike, Tsiu, Reicher, Perera

9:00-10:00am: Lending a Hand: Traumatic Hand Injuries / Nesper, Goodrich

10:00-11:00am: Broken Hearts: The LVAD Patient / Strehlow

11:00am-12:00pm: Acute Heart Failure: Updates on Your Drowning Patients / Strehlow **Audio issues last 20 minutes of presentation**

September 16

Emergency Medicine Conference [2015-09-16]

Presented by: Sybil Zachariah, Jennifer Kanapicki, Thomas Dalton, Prasanthi Govindarajan, Ronak B. Patel, Sam Yang, Cynthia J. Campen, N. Ewen Wang, Matthew Strehlow, James Quinn.

7:30-8:00am: Peds EM: Pediatric Stroke / Zachariah, Kanapicki

8:00-9:00am: ED Management of Pediatric Metabolic Diseases / Dalton

9:00-9:30am: Prehospital Stroke Care Resident Conference / Govindarajan

9:30-9:45am: Urbanization, Vulnerable Populations & Humanitarian Crises Research / Patel

9:45am-10:00am: Translational Research at the Interface of Sciences: Towards Beside Precision Medicine for Infectious Disease Diagnosis / Yang

10:00am-11:00am: Acute Seizure Management / Campen

11:00am-11:30am: Faculty Research Day / Wang **no audio**

11:30am-11:45am: Semi Research Opportunities / Strehlow

11:45am-12:00pm: Research Activities / Quinn.

September 9

Emergency Medicine Conference [2015-09-09]

Presented by: Carter Neugarten, Kiersten Carter, George Sternbach, Elizabeth Kaufman, Joseph (Jed) Einhorn, Al'ai Alvarez, Molly Estes, Ian Chong, Sarah R. Williams, Mel Herbert.

7:30-8:00am: Boards Review: Abdominal and GI Disorders / Neugarten

8:00-8:30am: EKG for the EM Doc: Tachydysrhythmias / Carter

8:30-9:00am: Prometheus / Sternbach

9:00-10:00am: Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage / Kaufman, Einhorn, Alvarez

10:00am-10:30pm: Chief's Corner: Is There a Doctor on Board? / Estes, Chong

10:30am-11:00am: Announcement with Q & A / Williams

11:00am-11:30am: Ground Round / Herbert

11:30am-12:00pm: Ground Round **no audio**.

June 10

Emergency Medicine Conference [2015-06-10]

Presented by: Michael Kohn and various other presenters

8:00-11:00am: Research Day! / various

11:00am-12:00pm: Using Randomized Trials Like MR CLEAN to Quantify Treatment Effects / Kohn.

March 15

Emergency Medicine Conference [2015-03-11]

Presented by: Sarah R. Williams, Erin Cullnan, Eric Leroux, Grant Lipman, James Quinn, Dana Welle, Michelle Hunter, Kayla Shipley.

7:30-9:00am: Residency Town Hall: 15 New Interns ... Strategizing for the Future / Williams **no audio

9:00-10:00am: M&M / Cullnan, Leroux

10:00-10:30am: Point/Counterpoint! / Lipman, Quinn

10:30-11:00am: Peer Support After Critical Events / Welle **no audio

11:00am-12:00pm: In Your Face: Emergency Department Care of Maxillofacial Trauma / Hunter, Shipley.