Privacy Policy

Stanford Online High School believes in teaching and practicing good digital citizenship, and to that end we take online privacy seriously. This statement describes how we collect and make use of information about you through our website.

If you visit our website without logging in, we do not collect information for the purpose of identifying you personally. We do collect some general information about site visitors, such as the operating system you use and the location in the world from which you are visiting the site. If you provide more specific information about yourself to us, such as through an inquiry or contact form, we will retain that information for the purpose of answering your questions and informing you about our programs.

Some areas of our website, such as our Gateway for Parents and Students, are designated for use by specific groups of users, and these areas require you to log in with a username and password. We record information about who enters these areas of the site and what services are accessed. In some cases, the site supports the sharing of your personal information, such as in our Family Directory. You may request that we remove your information from such areas of the site. We may also collect information from you to provide you with specific, school-related services such as tuition payment or tech support. Such information will be shared only within Stanford and with the small number of affiliated partners with whom we work to provide these services.

We take reasonable precautions to safeguard electronic information, including making appropriate use of encrypted connections (https), adhering to Stanford University’s best practices for information security, and protecting the physical security of our servers.

We do not share the information you provide to us with others outside of Stanford unless you have given us permission to do so, except when approved by or required by Stanford University. We also reserve the right to disclose your information under limited circumstances, such as to cooperate with law enforcement or judicial authorities, when required by law, to protect our own legal rights, or to protect the public good.

We may, from time to time, change our privacy policy. We will notify you of any changes by posting our updated policy on our website and inserting a new “effective date.”

Effective date of this policy: November, 2014