

Sharing service and volunteer work enables students to strengthen their relationships with each other and with their home communities.

The Student Service Board

Student Service Board (SSB) comprises about 10 students who foster service by spreading awareness of individual projects and by creating opportunities for such projects. The Board organizes the annual Service Fair, hosts a Service Speakers Series, highlights student service in the school newspaper, and promotes service meetups.

Service Fair

This annual event highlights the ways in which Stanford OHS students serve their local and global communities. Students present TED-like talks on the work they do and what inspired them to get involved.

Service Meetups

As with all our meetups, those with a service theme bring together the Stanford OHS community around a particular cause or project, such as volunteering at a robotics tournament for younger students or participating in a fundraising race for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Service & Cultural Immersion Trips

Stanford OHS offered its first Service & Cultural Immersion trip during the Summer 2015. Our destination was Panama, where students engaged in a variety of community and environmental projects as they learned about Panamanian culture.