Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Educating Leaders

The Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment is developing global leadership by focusing on skills, knowledge and networks to move ideas into action and support informed decision-making. This unique strategic approach provides current and emerging leaders – students, scientists and decision-makers – with leadership and communications skills and methods for applying those skills for the greatest impact. The Stanford Woods Institute helps public- and private-sector leaders better understand and use science and innovation to address complex cross-cutting environmental issues, increasing the role of science in decision-making and improving problem-solving for better environmental policies and management practices.

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The Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment offers graduate and undergraduate students education and support to advance their research and maximize its impact. Through a variety of training and mentorship programs focused on skills, knowledge and networks, we give students the communications and leadership skills to become global leaders in their fields. Through grants and stipends, we help young researchers move ideas into action. 

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