Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Media Coverage

COP21 Interview: Farming and Food at Risk from Climate Change »

December 9, 2015

Senior Fellow Chris Field (biology, earth system science) and Katherine Mach of the Carnegie Institution discuss the future of agriculture in the age of climate change.

By Daniel Grossman, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

This Climate Policy Could Save the Planet »

December 9, 2015

Quotes Senior Fellow Noah Diffenbaugh (Earth System Science) on how the consequences of global warming are happening more quickly than anticipated.

By Richard Martin, MIT Technology Review

Calif. Scrambles to Count Every Drop of Water »

December 9, 2015

Woods Co-Director and Senior Fellow Buzz Thompson discusses the possibility of bringing all water rights holders under the authority of the water board.

By Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News

The Global Economic Costs from Climate Change May Be Worse than Expected »

December 9, 2015

Center Fellow Marshall Burke (Earth System Science) discusses how addressing climate change may be even more important than previously thought from an economic perspective.

By Marshall Burke, Brookings Institution Blog

Is 2 Degrees the Wrong Climate Goal? »

December 8, 2015

Quotes Senior Fellow Mark Z. Jacobson (Civil and Environmental Engineering) on how we can get to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 using only technologies currently available.

By John D. Sutter, CNN

Global CO2 Emissions Decline in 2015 After Soaring for a Decade, Study Says »

December 7, 2015

Woods Senior Fellow Rob Jackson (earth system science) discusses the findings of a new paper he led, which found that carbon emissions from human activity in 2015 are on track to decline slightly from 2014 emissions.

By Phil McKenna, Inside Climate News

Carbon Dioxide Emissions May Dip in 2015, Study Finds »

December 7, 2015

Discusses research co-authored by Senior Fellow Rob Jackson (Earth System Science) showing that plunge in Chinese emissions may lead to global dip.

By Seth Borenstein, AP via Time

Scientists Just Undermined a Key Idea Behind the Paris Climate Talks »

December 7, 2015

Woods Senior Fellow Rob Jackson (earth system science) discusses a recent paper he co-authored, commenting on the massive amount of land that would be needed for bioenergy combined with carbon capture and sequestration, or BECCS.

By Chris Mooney, Washington Post

Scientists Find Source of Southeast Asian Arsenic »

December 4, 2015

Discusses research led by Woods Senior Fellow Scott Fendorf (Earth System Science)

By Brooks Hays, United Press International

Climate Change: Why Indonesia's Forests are Crucial to Emission Curbs »

December 3, 2015

Senior Woods Fellow Lisa Curran (Environmental Anthropoligy) states that there's no quick fix to illegal fires being set in Indonesia.

By Michael Holtz, Christian Science Monitor

Meet Jerry Brown's Team of Science Advisors »

December 2, 2015

Names Woods Senior Fellow Elizabeth Hadly (Biology) as one of Governor Brown's scientist confidantes.

By Chris Megerian, LA Times

Study Says Meal Worms May Reduce Plastic Waste »

December 2, 2015

Profiles research by Senior Fellow Craig Criddle (Civil and Environmental Engineering) and others on plastic-eating mealworms.

By Mark Niu, CCTV America

Chikungunya, A Mosquito-Borne Virus, Might Be Scarier Than We Thought »

December 2, 2015

Quites Desiree LaBeaud, a Woods-affiliated associate professor of pediatrics, on spread of virus that can cause debilitating joint pain.

By Rae Ellen Bichell, NPR

Meet Jerry Brown's Team of Science Advisors »

December 2, 2015

Profile of scientific advisers, including Senior Fellow Elizabeth Hadly (Biology), to California's governor

By Chris Megerian, Los Angeles Times

Imagining a World Without Growth »

December 1, 2015

Senior Fellow Paul Ehrlich (Biology) on how humankind must slow both population and consumption growth

By Eduardo Porter, New York Times

A Path for Climate Change, Beyond Paris »

December 1, 2015

Quotes Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson (Civil and Environmental Engineering) on the feasibility of converting the world to 100 percent renewable power by 2050

By Justin Gillis, New York Times

Monsanto Pledges to be Carbon Neutral by 2021 »

December 1, 2015

Senior Fellow David Lobell (Earth System Science) comments on the importance of corporate commitments to carbon neutrality

By Jim Salter, AP via US News & World Report

Eight Ways to Save the Planet »

November 30, 2015

Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson (Civil and Environmental Engineering) explains that the greatest barrier to dealing with climate change isn't technology, but information

By Christopher Flavelle, Bloomberg View

The Magic Number »

November 29, 2015

Woods Senior Fellow Robert Jackson (Earth System Science) discusses the world's carbon budget in the context of the Paris climate negotiations.

By Chris Mooney, Washington Post

Global Climate Agreement: After the Talks »

November 25, 2015

The real business of decarbonization begins after an agreement is signed at the Paris climate conference, writes Jim Leape, a consulting professor at Woods and the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.

By James P. Leape & David G. Victor, Nature Comment

Past Media Coverage By Year

2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007