Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


Research Area block

More than one billion people lack safe drinking water, and freshwater is being depleted rapidly.

The Stanford Woods Institute is finding practical ways to meet growing demand for freshwater, both in developed and developing nations, including the use of recycled water and water resources. Stanford researchers are also looking at ways to protect groundwater, restore degraded waterways, improve water-use efficiency and reduce the impact of agriculture and other land uses on water systems.

Research Centers and Programs

Global Freshwater Initiative »

Building on water supply research conducted in India and Mexico, Global Freshwater Initiative researchers are developing strategies to promote the long-term viability of freshwater supplies for people and ecosystems threatened by climate change, shifts in land use, increasing population and decaying infrastructure.

Water in the West »

The western United States needs water systems that are sustainable from economic, ecological, political, institutional, equitable, scientific and legal points of view. The Water in the West program addresses multiple dimensions of realistic, integrated solutions to the region’s water challenges. The program’s current projects include sustainable groundwater, water and energy, watershed...

Water, Health & Development »

Working with partners in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, Stanford researchers with the Program on Water, Health & Development are identifying ways to improve and increase the sustainability of water supply and sanitation service delivery, while also enhancing capacity for sustainable water and wastewater management in developing countries.

Other Research Centers and Programs

News & Press Releases

Artificial pit to simulate permanent wetlands within a variable wetland site.

Mystery of Arsenic Release into Groundwater Solved »

December 4, 2015

Bacteria living in shallow sediment layers of permanently flooded wetlands in Asia drive arsenic release into water by feeding on freshly deposited plant material, a new study finds.

By Ker Than, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

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Media Coverage

Calif. Scrambles to Count Every Drop of Water »

December 9, 2015

Woods Co-Director and Senior Fellow Buzz Thompson discusses the possibility of bringing all water rights holders under the authority of the water board.

By Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News

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Published Work
Water in the West »

January 1, 2014 -

Detecting Unfrozen Sediments Below Thermokarst Lakes With Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance »

February 16, 2013 - Rosemary Knight, Andrew D. Parsekian, Benjamin M. Jones, Lin Liu, Kristina Keating, Mike Müller-Petke, Jan O. Walbrecker, Guido Grosse

Nitrogen Removal with Energy Recovery Through N2O Decomposition »

November 6, 2012 - Craig Criddle, Yaniv D. Scherson , George F. Wells, Sung-Geun Woo, Jangho Lee, Joonhong Park, Brian J. Cantwell

Water Funds and payments for Ecosystems Services: Practice Learns from Theory and Theory can Learn from Practice »

February 28, 2012 - Gretchen Daily, Rebecca Goldman-Benner, Silvia Benitez, Timothy Boucher, Alejandro Calvache, Peter Kareiva, Timm Kroeger, Aurelio Ramon

California Water Myths »

December 9, 2009 - Barton "Buzz" Thompson, Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Ariel Dinar, Brian Gray, Richard Howitt, Jeffrey Mount, Peter Moyle

Feeding aquaculture in an era of finite resources »

September 8, 2009 - Rosamond Naylor, Ronald W. Hardy, Dominique P. Bureau, Alice Chiu, Matthew Elliott, Anthony P. Farrell, Ian Forster, Delbert M. Gatlin, Rebecca J. Goldburg, Katheline Hua, Peter D. Nichols

Research Brief
Workshop Report
Removal of carbon and nutrients from domestic wastewater using a low investment, integrated treatment concept »

May 21, 2010 - Sunny Aiyuka, Joyce Amoakoa, Lutgarde Raskinb, Adrianus van Haandelc

Annual Reports
Fact Sheet