Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


Research Area block

Climate change is one of the most complex environmental challenges the world faces today.

Its impact encompasses physical, ecological, economic, political and ethical issues. Public and political opinions may be divided on what drives climate change, but the science is undeniable. We must seek ways to adapt to climate change on multiple fronts, even as we address its underlying causes. Stanford Woods Institute researchers are creating climate models for economic impact studies and energy and environmental policymaking. Some are assessing climate vulnerabilities and shifting public perspectives on climate change issues. Others are looking closely at ways to assess risk, reduce vulnerabilities and mitigate and adapt to impacts.

Research Centers and Programs

Center for Ocean Solutions »

The Center for Ocean Solutions (COS) is a collaboration among Stanford University (through the Stanford Woods Institute and the Hopkins Marine Station), the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). COS develops knowledge to solve ocean challenges.

Center on Food Security and the Environment »

A joint effort with the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, the Center on Food Security and the Environment (FSE) addresses the challenges of feeding the world's growing population without depleting the planet’s natural resources.

News & Press Releases

A Time for Sea Change »

December 10, 2015

In the lead-up to the Paris climate talks, Center for Ocean Solutions experts explain why reducing carbon dioxide emissions is vital to both human and ocean health.

By Kristen Weiss, Center for Ocean Solutions

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Media Coverage

COP21 Interview: Farming and Food at Risk from Climate Change »

December 9, 2015

Senior Fellow Chris Field (biology, earth system science) and Katherine Mach of the Carnegie Institution discuss the future of agriculture in the age of climate change.

By Daniel Grossman, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

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A Time for Sea Change

December 10, 2015

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Published Work
Debunking the Climate Hiatus »

September 17, 2015 -

U.S. Maize Adaptability »

July 26, 2013 -

Climate Change and Wild Species »

February 21, 2013 -

Enhanced Nitrogen Deposition Over China »

February 20, 2013 - Peter Vitousek, Fusuo Zhang, Andreas Fangmeier, Peter Christie, Keith Goulding, Jan Willem Erisman, Zhenling Cui, Jianlin Shen, Aohan Tang, Wenxuan Han, Ying Zhang, Xuejun Liu

Detecting Unfrozen Sediments Below Thermokarst Lakes With Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance »

February 16, 2013 - Rosemary Knight, Andrew D. Parsekian, Benjamin M. Jones, Lin Liu, Kristina Keating, Mike Müller-Petke, Jan O. Walbrecker, Guido Grosse

Climate Adaptation as Mitigation: the Case of Agricultural Investments »

February 12, 2013 - David Lobell, Thomas W Hertel, Uris Lantz C Baldos

Bounding the Role of Black Carbon in the Climate System: A Scientific Assessment »

January 15, 2013 - Mark Jacobson, T. C. Bond, S. J. Doherty , D. W. Fahey , P. M. Forster , T. Berntsen , B. J. DeAngelo , M. G. Flanner , S. Ghan , B. Kärcher , D. Koch , S. Kinne , Y. Kondo , P. K. Quinn , M. C. Sarofim , M. G. Schultz , M. Schulz , C. Venkataraman , H. Zhang , S. Zhang , N. Bellouin

Genomic Basis for Coral Resilience »

January 7, 2013 - Stephen Palumbi, Daniel J. Barshis , Jason T. Ladner, Thomas A. Oliver, François O. Seneca, Nikki Traylor-Knowles

The Effects of Rerouting Aircraft Around the Arctic Circle on Arctic and Global Climate »

December 1, 2012 - Mark Jacobson, Jordan T. Wilkerson, Sathya Balasubramanian, Wayne W. Cooper Jr., Nina Mohleji

Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services: Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment »

July 1, 2012 - Mary Ruckelshaus, Michelle D. Staudinger, Nancy B. Grimm, Amanda Staudt, Shawn L. Carter, F. Stuart Chapin III, Peter Kareiva, Bruce A. Stein

Low Demand for Nontraditional Cookstove Technologies »

June 11, 2012 - Lynn Hildemann, Grant Miller, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Puneet Dwivedi, Robert Bailis

Response of corn markets to climate volatility under alternative energy futures »

April 22, 2012 - Noah Diffenbaugh, Thomas W. Hertel, Martin Scherer, Monika Verma

Americans' Evaluations of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions »

June 1, 2007 - Brent Bannon, Matthew DeBell, Ray Kopp, Peter Aldhous

Exploiting Wind vs. Coal »

August 24, 2001 - Mark Jacobson, Gilbet Masters

The impact of the fall 1997 debate about global warming on American public opinion »

September 1, 1998 - Allyson Holbrook, Penny S. Visser

Research Brief
Figures »

March 9, 2010 -

American Opinion on Global Warming The Impact of the Fall 1997 Debate »

September 1, 1998 - Allyson Holbrook, Penny S. Visser

Workshop Report
Lessons for a cap-and-trade program »

May 18, 2006 - Larry Goulder, Dallas Burtraw, Alexander Farrell, Carla Peterman

Changing Perceptions of Changing Risks: Climate Change and the California Public »

May 18, 2006 - Michael D. Mastrandrea, Amy L. Luers, Stephen H. Schneider

Annual Reports