Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

News and Press Releases: Freshwater

Artificial pit to simulate permanent wetlands within a variable wetland site.

Mystery of Arsenic Release into Groundwater Solved »

December 4, 2015

Bacteria living in shallow sediment layers of permanently flooded wetlands in Asia drive arsenic release into water by feeding on freshly deposited plant material, a new study finds.

By Ker Than, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

California state capitol in Sacramento

Woods Fellows on Water Future »

November 23, 2015

Woods fellows testify on climate change effects and water innovation at a recent hearing of California’s Select Committee on Water Consumption and Alternative Sources.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Residents of a slum in Cap Haitien, Haiti bring home a container-based toilet

World Toilet Day: Not All Can Flush and Forget »

November 19, 2015

Chances are most people in the developed world can easily access a safe, convenient toilet. Globally, however, more than one in four people live in a world without access to a decent...

Residents of a slum in Cap Haitien, Haiti bring home a container-based toilet

A Sanitation Solution Worth Paying For »

October 27, 2015

Stanford-led study shows three out of four residents of an impoverished Haitian neighborhood continued to use – and pay for – a new toilet service after a test period ended.

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Steve luby discusses water and child health

The Health Impact of Access to Chlorinated Water »

October 26, 2015

New U.N. Sustainable Development Goals include a new criterion, water quality. Stanford researchers launched a major study of the health impact of access to chlorinated water in...

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A woman in Dhaka, Bangladesh collects water at a community pump

Showcasing Stanford Work to Engineer Clean Water Solutions  »

October 19, 2015

Engaging multimedia story / educational project features Stanford project to develop low-cost, low-tech solutions to reduce the spread of disease in regions of low water quality.

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

girl with bucket

How Toilets Affect Child Health »

October 13, 2015

For decades, scientists have evaluated the health impact of sanitation conditions by measuring rates of diarrheal disease. New studies show that child growth improves after communities...

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Rendering of planned Rory M. Shaw Wetlands Park in Los Angeles, which will capture and treat up to 900 acre-ft per year of stormwater.

Urban Water: Stormwater as Drought Solution »

September 14, 2015

Stanford researchers are working with local and federal agencies to provide template for capture and reuse of stormwater in dry regions such as the American West 

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

El Niño Increases Likelihood of a Wet Winter »

September 11, 2015

The extraordinary strength of the present El Niño may lead to a particularly wet winter in California, but Noah Diffenbaugh and Daniel Swain say that it might not be enough to end...

By Bjorn Carey

Stanford Soil Sleuths Solve Mystery of Arsenic-Contaminated Water »

September 2, 2015

Stanford Earth scientist Scott Fendorf helped discover how trace amounts of arsenic were moving from sediments into groundwater aquifers in Southern California.

By Ker Than

Bluegill fish

Ecological Society of America Showcases Notable Papers  »

August 12, 2015

Stanford researchers among authors honored in centennial issue of largest professional society devoted to ecological science

By Kristen Weiss and Sara Worden, Center for Ocean Solutions

Fracking operation in Pennsylvania

Shallow Fracking Raises Questions for Water »

July 21, 2015

Stanford scientist's investigations show that drinking water sources may be threatened by thousands of shallow oil and gas wells mined with the controversial process of hydraulic...

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


Pricing Water to Encourage Conservation »

May 12, 2015

Q & A with Stanford economist developing water demand model to inform water rate changes that meet conservation and revenue objectives

By Janny Choy, Water in the West

Investing in the Future of California’s Water Sector »

April 21, 2015

Newsha K. Ajami and Barton H. Thompson are recent authors of a Hamilton Project Discussion Paper on water infrastructure and innovation in the United States.

By Newsha K. Ajami and Barton H. Thompson

Aerial view of the new campus Central Energy Facility in November 2014 as it nears completion

New Stanford Energy System Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions 68% »

April 16, 2015

Innovative approach to meeting energy needs will make Stanford one of the world's most energy-efficient universities. Comprehensive new system incorporates solar power for electricity...

Stanford News Service

March 2015 Snowpack measurement

Record-Low Snowpack: Bad News for California, Say Stanford Experts »

April 2, 2015

The snowpack in California's mountains is at the lowest level ever recorded. The long-term effects of the drought could be devastating. We recently interviewed Stanford's Noah Diffenbaugh...

By Woods Staff, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Valeria Bauza field tests an early prototype of the Lotus Water filtration technology.

Drinking Water: Safe at the Source »

March 16, 2015

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Underwater image of Salmon River in Idaho

Environment: Ensuring Water for Nature and People »

March 16, 2015

Water in the West researchers compile best practices, forward solutions to ensure enough water is available for natural systems and people. This story is part of a series about Stanford...

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A tanker truck illegally siphons water from a river in arid Jordan.

Water Security: A Bridge to Peace in the Middle East »

March 16, 2015

Stanford-led project in Jordan, a country that traditionally serves as a stabilizing force in the Middle East, holds promise for better water management and less conflict in arid regions...

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment