Overview: Purchase Order Invoice Processing

Understanding purchase order requirements and the preferred methods for submitting invoices to Accounts Payable can help you avoid invoice processing delays.

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Purchase Order Invoicing Requirements

No order should be placed with a supplier until there is a fully approved Standard or Rapid Purchase Order.

The following criteria must be met in order for Accounts Payable to process an invoice and schedule payment per the terms specified on the purchase order (e.g. Net 30 days from date of invoice):

  • The document must be an invoice, NOT a quote, order acknowledgement, sales receipt, or packing list.
  • The invoice must bill Stanford University.
  • The invoice must include a "Remit to" address.
  • There must be a Stanford Purchase Order Number referenced on the invoice.
  • Invoices for amounts greater than $2,500 require departments to certify receipt of the goods or services (see Methods for Submitting Invoices to Accounts Payable below for department approval instructions).
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Methods for Submitting Invoices to Accounts Payable

Ideally, suppliers submit invoices directly to Accounts Payable (AP), ensuring the most legible document and efficient processing. When suppliers send invoices to departments rather than to Accounts Payable, the department must forward the invoice to Accounts Payable using one of the methods outlined below.

Methods for Submitting Invoices to Accounts Payable
In Order of Preference Instructions and Department Approval
1.  Supplier mails invoice directly to AP

See Supplier Instructions for Submitting Invoices.

  • For invoices greater than $2,500, the requisition originator will receive an email notification requesting department approval.
2.  Department electronically uploads invoice (via the Requisition Purchase Order Query Tool)

See how to Upload Electronic File of Invoice to Accounts Payable.

  • When requisition originators or authorized approvers upload invoices, they will see a check box noting "Invoice approved for payment" which serves as department approval.
  • If someone other than the requisition originator or authorized approver uploads an invoice, the check box is not visible. Invoices greater than $2,500 will be placed on hold by Accounts Payable and the originator will receive an email notification with instructions to contact the Buying and Paying Support Center to release the hold by providing their approval to pay.
3.  Department mails original hard-copy invoice to AP

See Mail Invoice to Accounts Payable for address and payment handling options.

  • For invoices of $2,500 or more, departments must indicate approval or they will be placed on hold by AP and the requisition originator will receive an email notification requesting department approval.


  • Invoice images and payment status can be viewed using the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool. For instructions, see Quick Steps: Check Invoice Payment Status.
  • Invoices for purchases made through Stanford's SmartMart Catalogs are electronically sent by the supplier to Accounts Payable for payment processing.
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Purchases Requiring Receiving Transactions in iProcurement

Certain purchases require departments to complete a receiving transaction in iProcurement in order for invoices to be paid by Accounts Payable. These purchases include:

  • Capital equipment (asset cost $5,000 or more)
  • Standard purchase order leases (requisition category Standard.Lease)
  • Research alcohol (requisition category ZWA.Alcohol)

See Quick Steps: Receive Goods or Services in iProcurement for details on how to record receiving information.

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Additional Resources

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