Quick Steps: Review, Approve, or Reject PCard Verifications

Who does this?  Individuals with approval authority over the PTAEs charged in a PCard transaction

Note:  PCard Verifiers may not approve transactions.

When?  PCard expenses should be verified and approved as soon a practicable after charges are incurred, but no later than 60 days after charges are incurred. After the designated PCard verifier has completed their action, a system-generated email notifies authorized approvers (for each PTAE charged to the PCard) that transactions are awaiting their review and approval. If expenses are approved after 60 days, they are reported as taxable income to individual cardholders. Consistent late verification and approval of charges may result in card suspension.

How?  By reviewing email notifications and reviewing transaction details and backup documents via the Oracle Workflow Notification module.



Review, Approve, or Reject PCard Verifications (4 steps)

step 1

Log into Oracle Workflow Notifications:

  1. Enter ofweb in your web address bar.
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
  3. Click SU Workflow Notifications link in the left box in the Navigator.
  4. Click Notifications link in the right box in the Navigator.
Note:  Notifications can also be received in email. The notification contains a link to the Notifications Worklist.
step 2

Find and review PCard transaction:

  1. Click PCard Transaction [X] Requires Approval link in the Subject column.
  2. Review transaction details and backup documentation. Approval should be granted only after:
    • Review of receipts for the charges (receipts are not required for charges less than $75.) If a receipt is missing, the approver must follow-up with the card custodian and person who incurred the charge to understand why the receipt is missing and verify that good/services were received;
    • Confirmation that the expenditure is reasonable, necessary and complies with all relevant University policies;
    • Verification that the charges are correct (match receipts), allowable for the account, allocable, and properly coded (appropriate PTAE used);
    • Ensuring that charges are appropriately documented and are recorded in a consistent manner; and funds are available in the account being charged.
step 3

Approve or reject the PCard verification:

  1. Click Approve button once you have confirmed that transaction satisfies review criteria.

  2. Note:  Clicking Approve or Reject returns the screen to the Notifications Worklist.

    ~ OR ~
  3. Enter an explanation in the Note box at the bottom of the notification.
  4. Click Reject button to return the verification to the originator for resolution.
step 4

Complete additional PCard transaction reviews:

  1. Click the appropriate link to review another transaction.

  2. ~ OR ~
  3. Click logout link at the top if finished.
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What Happens Next?

  • After approval, the department's charge account specified during verification is debited.
  • Stanford's Accounts Payable department pays the monthly consolidated bank invoice.


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