Quick Steps: Verify PCard Transactions

Who does this?  Staff responsible for verifying, editing, approving, or withdrawing charges made against department or individual Stanford issued Purchasing Cards.

When?  Upon receipt of a system-generated email notification informing the Verifier that there are transactions requiring verification. Stanford receives a daily transmission from the bank for all PCard transactions posted the previous day. The designated Verifier for a given card is responsible for reviewing the transactions for that card, matching them with receipts, faxing the receipts for transactions of $75 or more to PCard Administration (receipts less than $75 do not need to be imaged or retained unless departmental policy / practice indicates otherwise), and routing them to the approver as soon as practicable after charges are incurred, but no later than 60 days after charges are incurred. If expenses are approved after 60 days, they are reported as taxable income to individual cardholders. Consistent late verification and approval of charges may result in card suspension.

How?  Using the PCard module of the Oracle Financials application (Learn about getting access to PCard Verification Module in Oracle Financials)



Verify PCard Transactions (13 steps)

step 1

Launch the PCard module of Stanford's Oracle Financials application:

  1. Click https://ofweb.stanford.edu/.
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
  3. Click SU PCard link in the Navigator section.
step 2

Select a PCard transaction to verify:

  1. Click the Transaction ID for the transaction.
step 3

Complete the PCard verification header information:

  1. Enter the Business Purpose for the transaction.

  2. Note:  The first 20 characters of the Business Purpose followed by the first 9 characters of the Merchant Name (e.g., Toner for fax machin:APPLIED M.) display on detailed expenditure reports (such as the Monthly Expenditure Statement). Please be thoughtful about what will appear on reports. Use the first 20 characters wisely!

  3. Select the correct answer to Receipt Missing? (Yes or No).
  4. Select the correct answer to Correct Sales Tax Paid? (Yes, No, or Partial).
  5. Select the correct answer to Disputed (Yes or No).
Note:  The Are you sending backup documents flag is read only for transactions over $75. Backup documents are required for all PCard transactions of $75 or more beginning June 7, 2008. If the transaction is less than $75, it does not need to be imaged or retained unless departmental policy / practice indicates otherwise.
step 4

Complete the PCard charge account information:

  1. Confirm the correct Charge Account is displayed or enter the correct PTAE.
  2. If multiple PTAEs are to be charged for the transaction, go to step 5.
  3. If only one PTAE is to be charged, go to step 6.
step 5

Charge the transaction to multiple accounts:

  1. Click Add Line button to enter another PTAE.
  2. Enter the new PTAE.
  3. Enter either a Percent or an Allocation Amount for the new PTAE.
  4. Change the Percent or Allocation Amount for the original PTAE to charge the total amount (percent must equal 100%).
  5. Enter the Allocation (Split) Reason for the distribution.
  6. Repeat to add additional PTAEs.
  7. Continue with step 6.
step 6

Complete the list of approvers:

  1. Click Add Line button to add an approver to the Approval Routings.
  2. If you know the Person who should approve the transaction, go to step 7.
  3. If you want to search for the Person by name, go to step 8.
  4. If you want a list of approvers, go to step 9.
Note:  If the approver has sufficient approval authority over the PTAE(s) charged, it is not necessary to add other approvers. The system will tell you if you have not listed the correct approvers.
step 7

Enter the approver:

  1. Enter the Person who should approve the transaction.
  2. Go to step 10.
Note:  Names in Oracle are in the format Lastname, Firstname and sometimes Middle initial. You must know the name exactly as it appears in the Oracle database.
step 8

Find an approver by name:

  1. Click the Flashlight icon to search for an approver by name.
  2. Enter the last name of the approver, with only first letter capitalized.
  3. Click Go button.
  4. Click the radio button next to the correct name.
  5. Click Select button.
  6. Go to step 10.
step 9

Find all approvers for a project and task:

  1. Click Search for Approver by Project and Task icon (three small people and a flashlight) to search for an approver by account number.
  2. Enter the Project and Task for which you want to find an approver.
  3. Click Go button.
  4. Click the radio button next to the correct name.
  5. Click Select button.
  6. Click Select button.
  7. Continue with step 10.
step 10

Submit the transaction for approval:

Note:  Beginning June 7, 2008, all PCard receipts for transactions of $75 or more must be electronically attached to the PCard verification transaction following Steps 10-13 below. If the transaction is less than $75 it does not need to be imaged or retained unless departmental policy / practice indicates otherwise. See Bulletin: Important Changes to PCard Policy and Procedures.
  1. Click Verify button. This will take you to the Confirmation page, also called the Bar Code page.
  2. Print a copy of the Confirmation (bar code) page.
  3. Click Return to PCard Worklist.
step 11

Attach backup receipts to the PCard transaction:

Note:  Backup receipts are required for all PCard transactions of $75 or more.
  1. Gather the PCard receipts.
  2. Place the Confirmation (bar code) page on top of your receipts.

  3. Note:  The Confirmation (bar code) page must be page 1 of your fax.

  4. Fax the confirmation page and receipts to the designated fax number on the Confirmation (bar code) page.
  5. Check the transmission status of the outgoing fax. A status of OK confirms that the fax has been sent successfully.
Note:  Within minutes of sending the fax, the online images can be viewed in the PCard application.
step 12

Confirm that backup receipts were attached to the PCard transaction from the PCard Worklist:

  1. Click on the Transaction ID from the Transactions at a Glance section. If backup receipts were attached, the View Backup Documentation and View Backup Documentation (PDF viewer for Mac users) links will be available in the Attachments section.
step 13

Exit PCard:

  1. Click Return to Portal link.
  2. Click Logout link.

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What Happens Next?

  • The transaction is routed for review and approval per the approval routing specified in Steps 6-9 above. In a timely manner, the approver is responsible for reviewing and approving the transaction for:
    • accuracy of information;
    • correct account usage; and
    • adherence to Stanford policy.
  • After approval, the department's charge account (the PTAE verified in Step 4 above) is debited.
  • Stanford's Accounts Payable department pays the monthly consolidated bank invoice.


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