Quick Steps: Approve / Edit iOU Reimbursement / Expense Reports

Who does this?

  • Individuals with approval authority over the PTAs charged in a reimbursement request
  • Approvers who wish to edit iOU transactions before approving them must have been granted access to iOU in Authority Manager

When?  All transactions done in iOU must be reviewed and approved by authorized personnel for each PTA charged.

How?  Approvers with access to iOU may approve reimbursement requests in iOU or the Oracle Financials Worklist.  Approvers without access to iOU may only approve in the Worklist. See Getting Access to iOU.


On this page:


Review Reimbursement / Expense Reports from SU Workflow Notifications (5 steps)

step 1

Launch SU Workflow Notifications from Stanford's Oracle Financials system:

  1. Enter ofweb in your web address bar.
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
  3. Click SU Workflow Notifications link in the Navigator section.
  4. Click Notifications link in the right box in the Navigator.

  5. Note:  Notifications can also be received in email. The notification contains a link to the Notifications Worklist.
step 2

Open transaction to review:

  1. Click iOU Reimbursement Transaction [X] Requires Approval link in the Subject column.
step 3

Review transaction information:

  1. Review the information in the notification.
  2. Confirm that:
    • The expenditure is reasonable, necessary and complies with all relevant University policies, (reference Policy Notes: Reimbursable Expenses)
    • The charges are correct, allowable for the account, allocable, and properly coded,
    • Charges are appropriately documented and are recorded in a consistent manner, and
    • Funds are available in the account being charged.
step 4

Approve, hold, or reject the reimbursement / expense report:

  1. Click Approve button if the reimbursement / expense report is correct.

  2. ~ OR ~
  3. Enter an explanation in the Note box at the bottom of the notification.
  4. Click Hold button to stop processing of the reimbursement / expense report.

  5. ~ OR ~
  6. Enter an explanation in the Note box at the bottom of the notification.
  7. Click the Reject button to return the reimbursement / expense report to the originator for correction.

  8. Note:  Clicking Approve or Reject returns the screen to the Notifications Worklist.
step 5

Complete transaction review and logout:

  1. Click the appropriate link to review another transaction.

  2. ~ OR ~
  3. Click logout link at the top if finished.

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Review / Edit and Approve Reimbursement / Expense Report in iOU (5 steps)

step 1

Launch iOU from Stanford’s Oracle Financials system:

  1. Enter ofweb in your web address bar.
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
  3. Click SU iOU Public link in the Navigator section.
Note 1:  To edit a transaction, you must have access to iOU.

Note 2:  Notifications can also be received in email. The notification contains a link to the Notifications Worklist.
step 2

Open reimbursement / expense report and review from the Transactions to Approve Queue:

  1. Click Number link in the TRXN Number column.
  2. Review the information in the Transaction Review screen.
step 3

Edit reimbursement / expense report:

  1. Click the appropriate Edit button for any section you need to revise.
  2. Revise the information as needed (Reference Resources & Job Aids: iOU Reimbursement Request Checklist).
  3. Click Save button.
  4. Click Return to Main Page button.

  5. ~ OR ~
  6. Click Continue button to edit more information.
  7. Click Return to Main Page button when finished editing.
step 4

Complete approval:

  1. Click Number link in the TRXN Number column.
  2. Click Approve or Return button.
step 5

Complete transaction review and logout:

  1. Click the appropriate link to review another transaction.

  2. ~ OR ~
  3. Click Return to Portal link at the top if finished.
  4. Click logout link at the top if finished.

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What Happens Next?

  • The transaction is routed to the next approver on the approver routing list.
  • After approval, the department's charge account is debited and the Disbursements department reimburses the payee.


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