

Capital Planning outlines and monitors a range of space related policies for Stanford. Questions related to any of these policies may be directed to Capital Planning.

Capital Project Funding Plans and Agreements

The Capital Project Funding Plans and Agreements Policy (pdf) is a University policy for establishing Funding Plans (proposed) and Funding Agreements (final) for facilities-related capital projects under the purview of the Committee on Land and Buildings of the Board of Trustees.

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General Use Permit (GUP) Entitlement Fee Policy and Supplement

The GUP Entitlement Fee Policy (pdf) is the University policy on recovering GUP mitigation costs through entitlement fees on School and Department facilities growth.

Please see also:

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Stanford Infrastructure Program (SIP)

The Stanford Infrastructure Program (SIP) (pdf) supports infrastructure projects and programs related to the University's environs that are of particular benefit to the general University community. These include roads, paths, pedestrian malls, campus transit, bicycle facilities, parking, storm drainage, outdoor spaces, outdoor lighting, outdoor art, and outdoor signs.

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Air Conditioning Policy

The University's air conditioning policy has been established with the intent to conserve non-renewable energy resources; facilitate long-range planning and ensure the efficient and effective use of production and distribution equipment.

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Departmentally Managed Projects (DMP) Policy

The Departmentally Managed Projects policy describes University guidelines for departments that elect to manage facilities and infrastructure improvements with their own departmental staff, otherwise known as Departmentally Managed Projects (DMPs).

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Classroom Replacement Policy

The Classroom Replacement policy (pdf) guides classroom replacement and planning on campus.

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Storage Policies

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Modular Buildings/Trailer Policy

The Modular Buildings/Trailer policy (pdf) describes the allocation, siting and management of modular buildings/trailers on the Stanford campus.

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Real Estate Lease Approval Form

All real estate leases must be included as capital requests in the Capital Planning Process. Real Estate leases and/or negotiations initiated outside of the Capital Planning Process must be approved by the Vice President for Land, Buildings & Real Estate per Administrative Guide Memo 54.3 (pdf).  Requestors are directed to utilize, as appropriate, the Off Campus Lease Requisition (pdf) prior to negotiating lease forms, or the Real Estate Lease Approval (pdf) for lease extensions or renewals.

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