South Terminal Phase II Project

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As part of the Agency’s ongoing Capital Improvement Program, Caltrain is proposing to make track improvements along the existing right-of-way (ROW) from San Jose Diridon Station to the Centralized Equipment Maintenance and Operation Facility (CEMOF), located roughly 0.4 miles north of Diridon Station.  The project, known as Phase II of the South Terminal Improvement Project, will include installing a fourth track and signal controls between the station’s north end and the maintenance facility. Track and signal work willalso occur north of CEMOF, between Emory Street and W. Taylor Street. Caltrain is proposing these improvements to maintain operational flexibility and minimize delays by allowing trains to move to and from the maintenance facility without conflicting with passenger rail service. The additional track will improve operations at the CEMOF and Diridon Station and Caltrain’s responsiveness to unanticipated events (delayed trains, weather, or mechanical issues), by serving as a temporary, emergency layover area for passenger trains.

Project Details
The proposed fourth track spans approximately 2,000 feet in length from CEMOF to the northern end of the San Jose Diridon Station. The new track would be located on the east side of the existing tracks. The project includes modifications to the existing track alignment to accommodate the fourth track and associated signal upgrades via new overhead signal bridges. The work and upgrades will require a small right-of-way expansion, resulting in the acquisition of 84 parking spaces from the SAP Center parking lot. Caltrain has proposed to restripe the parking lot to minimize any loss of parking spaces. No residential or business displacements are required.

Environmental Review & Public Involvement
Caltrain is preparing an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) to analyze the potential of environmental impacts and possible mitigation efforts for the proposed project. Caltrain will be communicating with area residents, businesses and other interested members of the public to discuss the project in more detail. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to engage with the project team and provide feedback and comments during the CEQA environmental review.

A community meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 7 p.m at the Rose Garden Library Community Room, 1580 Naglee Avenue, San Jose, CA.

Public comments can be submitted during the meeting and via email to or mail to Hilda Lafebre, Caltrain, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, CA 94070-1306 from April 11 to May 10, 2016.

Community Impacts During Construction
Construction of the project will occur over approximately 24 months beginning in Fall 2018.  No roadway closures or detours would be required. The majority of the construction work would occur during nights and weekends in order to minimize impacts to rail operations.

Project Area

STP2 Project Area


Project Timeline

  • Complete CEQA Environmental Review: Summer 2016
  • Complete Design:  March 2018
  • Construction Preparation:  September 2018
  • Begin on-site Construction:  November 2018

Project Documents

South Terminal Phase II Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF, 281 KB)
South Terminal Phase II Draft Initial Study - (PDF, 17.79 MB) 

Appendix A: Conceptual Engineering - (PDF, 10.2 MB)
Appendix B: Construction Air Quality Analysis - (PDF, 314 KB
Appendix C: Draft Biological Resources Screening - (PDF, 3.04 MB) 
Appendix D: Draft Historical Finding of Effect - (PDF, 29.1 MB)
Appendix E: Draft Phase I Environmental Site Assessment - (PDF Download via Dropbox, 47.5 MB) 
Appendix F: Construction Noise - (PDF, 119 KB) 

South Terminal Phase II Community Meeting Presentation - April 21, 2016 (PDF, 1.42 MB)

For more information on the South Terminal Phase II project, please call the Caltrain Construction Outreach Hotline at 650.508.7726 
or email  

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