ARCHIVED Bulletin: PCard and Travel Card Report Updates (Posted April 15, 2009)

Please review this bulletin to learn about new PCard and Travel Card reports and important changes to PCard reporting authority.

New PCard and Travel Card Reports Available in ReportMart3

PCard Aging Report (FIN_PCARD_189_Aging_Report)
This new report provides Cardholders, Card Administrators, and the Disbursements department a list of PCard transactions that are pending verification and approval (e.g. current, past due 10-30 days, past due 31-60 days and past due 61+ days)

Travel Card Transaction Detail Report (FIN_TCARD_301_Transaction_Report)
This new report provides Travel Cardholders, Card Administrators, and the Disbursements department the status of Travel Card transactions (e.g. new and not yet validated, validated, validated and not yet processed in an iOU expense report, validated and processed in iOU)

Note – February 2009 began a phased roll-out of a new Stanford Travel Card, a University-paid JPMorgan MasterCard. For more information including eligibility requirements and application process, see Overview: Stanford's Travel Card Program.

Coming Soon - Enhanced Credit Card Custodian Report

A new report (FIN_CREDIT_257_Custodian_Report) will provide individuals with the proper authority a list of active Stanford Travel Cardholders (University-paid JPMorgan MasterCards) as well as purchasing (PCard) cardholders. Upon release, the new report will replace FIN_PCARD_257_Custodians_Report. We will notify you when the report is ready for release.

Important Changes to PCard Reporting Authority

Access to view PCard transaction reports is now limited to Cardholders, Verifiers, and individuals with ReportMart3 reporting authority. This change has been implemented on the following reports to control access to confidential financial information.

  • FIN_PCARD_186_Transaction_Summary
  • FIN_PCARD_187_Transaction_Detail
  • FIN_PCARD_189_Aging_Report

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