Overview: Oracle Financials Inquiry Tools (SU Inquiry Tools)

Several web based inquiry tools are available to access Oracle Financials system information.

On this page:

Inquiry Tools and Descriptions

Expenditure Type Query

Use this query tool to search for Expenditure Type codes by entering Expenditure Type Name or Number or any word(s) (or partial word) in the Description (e.g., 53101 or 531 or Equipment or Equip). Results include transaction usage rules and full description.

Fund Title Query

Use the Fund Title Query to quickly find information about a Fund(s) and its PTAs to determine if it is appropriate to use the fund for a specific transaction.

  • Find fund(s) based on a search of the fund title (Award name) or number. The search is not case sensitive, and does not need to contain the whole title, just a word or partial word.
  • Look up information about a fund, including the fund purpose and the Project-Tasks linked to the fund (Award) and a variety of attributes.
  • See How To: Identify PTA Using the Fund Title Query.

Requisition and Purchase Order Query

Use the Requisition and Purchase Order Query (a.k.a. Web Inquiry) tool to search for requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices by a variety of search parameters.

Signature Authority Query

Use the Signature Authority Query to find authorized approvers for a Project-Task or an Award. This is particularly useful to those verifying authority off-line.

Vacation Query

Use the Vacation Query tool to find out who can approve transactions on someone else's behalf. The tool provides an audit history of delegations, including the transactions handled on someone's behalf. See How To: Use the Oracle Vacation Query.

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Authority and Access

Authority is not required for Oracle Financials Inquiry tools, as they do not return confidential financial information.

To access the inquiry tools, launch Oracle Applications and look for the "SU Inquiry Tools" folder and link in the Navigator section of the Home page. The query tools can be used concurrently while using other Oracle Financial applications.

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